I have a rash on my skin from allergies and it has caused the hair on my eyebrows to fall out
「アレルギーで皮膚がかぶれて、眉毛も抜けてしまいました」は英語で言いますと「I have a rash on my skin from allergies and it has caused the hair on my eyebrows to fall out」になると思います。
「皮膚がかぶれて」は「To have a rash」と言います。
「アレルギーで」は「Because of allergies」と訳しました。
「眉毛」は「Eyebrows」です。もっと意味が伝わるために「Hair on my eyebrows」と訳しました。
「抜けてしまいました」は「To fall out」と言います。
「I have allergies to pollen and things, so when I go out to the garden, the flowering plants and hairy caterpillars make my face itchy and in my case, the hair on my eyebrows fall out!」を言えます。
I’ve gotten a rash on my face due to allergies and also have lost my eyebrows because of it.
I’ve gotten a rash on my face due to allergies and also have lost my eyebrows because of it. と言えます。
I am allergic to pollen and also develop allergic reactions to caterpillars. My face becomes itchy due to allergies and I get a rash when I go out into my garden. As I get a rash on my face, I lose my eyebrows as well…
allergic to ~にアレルギーがある