私はもともと家で過ごすのが好きで、人混みが嫌いです。なので、コロナウイルスの感染拡大予防のための自粛生活は苦になりません。I like staying home during my free time before the spread of the coronavirus, so I don't care refraining from going out. は自然な英語ですか?
I'm not good with crowds, so staying home during the pandemic is not so hard for me.
「人混みが嫌い」を"I'm not good with crowds"と訳しました。"I'm not good at ~"は「私は~に対して苦手」という訳に近いと思いますが、もっと直接に「嫌い」という場合は"I hate being in crowded places"(私は混んだ場所は嫌いです)という言い方もできます。
"I like staying home during my free time before the spread of the coronavirus, so I don't care refraining from going out." → "Even before the spread of the corona virus, I liked staying home during my free time, so I don't mind when I have to refrain from going out."