I ordered three items, but one of them hasn't come yet.
"I ordered three items"=「三点注文しました」
"but one of them hasn't come yet"=「でも、そのうちの一点はまで来ていません」
★"come"の代わりに"arrive"を使うこともできます→"but one of them hasn't arrived yet"
Sentence in context:
"Excuse me, I think I ordered three items, but one of them hasn't arrived yet. Could you check to see what happened?"
Of the three things I'd ordered, one thing hasn't arrived yet.
「注文した3点のうち」=「of the three things (I have) ordered」
「1点が届いてません」=「one thing hasn't arrived yet」
一般的に過去形の「注文した」=「I ordered」と言いますが、この状況では過去分詞の「注文してた」=「I had ordered」の方が自然です。