世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/01 18:13
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  • Excuse me. Can I change the channel? The program I want to see is starting now.

  • 1. Do you mind if I switch over?

  • 2. Is it OK to change channels?

  • 3. Are you watching this?

1. 'Do you mind..?' ' We use this polite expression when asking for something, or for something to be done. "Would you mind closing the window please?" 2. "Is it OK to + VERB." We use this construction when asking permission to do something, or for some arrangement to be made. "Is it OK if we meet at the church later today.?" 3. You ask your friend if they are 'watching' the present TV show. People often watch TV but are not interested in the programme. this is an indirect way of asking if you can change channels. "
1. 'Do you mind..?' この表現は、何かをお願いしたり、して欲しいことをお願いする時に使われる丁寧な表現です。 "Would you mind closing the window please?" 窓を閉めても大丈夫ですか? 2. "Is it OK to + VERB." この文法は、何かをするときに許可を求めるとき、約束などかわすときに使います。 "Is it OK if we meet at the church later today.?"今日後で教会で会うってことで良いよね? 3.今そのチャンネルを見ている友達に対して尋ねる表現です。人によっては、興味なくその番組を見ている人もいます。間接的にチャンネルを変えても良いか尋ねる表現ですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is it okay if I can change the channel?

  • My show is on. Can I switch the channel?

  • Could I change to another channel? A show I want to see is coming on.

"Is it okay if I can change the channel?" is a general question that can be used to ask a person if it is alright to switch channels. Its not specifically to ask so you can see a show but can be used for that.
"Is it okay if I can change the channel?" (チャンネルを代えてもいいですか?) これは、テレビのチャンネルを代えていいかどうか尋ねる時の一般的な質問です。 明確にあなたが番組を見ていいかは尋ねていませんが、この状況で使うことが出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Can I change the channel, please? A program that I like to watch is about to start.

リモコンになっても「チャンネルを変える」は同じですね。「is about to start」は「始まるところです」「始まろうとしています」という言い方になります。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • Can I change the channel now? My program is about to start.

  • (Program name) is starting now is it ok to change the channel?

You can ask "Can I change the channel now? My program is about to start." We often refer to a television show we like to watch and watch regularly as "my program" in the UK. You could also say "(Program name) is starting now. Is it ok to change the channel?" Asking "is it ok?" means are you happy for me to do this.
次のようにお願いする事が出来ます。 【例】 "Can I change the channel now? My program is about to start." (チャンネルを変えてもいいですか?私の番組がもうすぐ始まります) 私達は自分の見たい番組やよく見る番組のことを "my program"(私の番組)とイギリスでは言います。 また、次のように言う事も出来ます。 【例】 "(Program name) is starting now. Is it ok to change the channel?" ((番組名)がもう少しで始まります、チャンネルを変えてもいいですか?) "Is it ok"とは〜しても構わないですか?と言う意味になります。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • My show is starting, can I change the channel?

  • Do you mind if we change it to (show)?

If a TV show is coming on that you really like, you can just ask them one of these questions. By phrasing it this way, you let them know why you want the channel changed, and it's polite because you aren't being demanding.
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • Is it OK to change channesl?One of my favorite shows is about to start.

  • Are you still watching this ?A show I have been looking forward to is about to start.

"Is it OK to change channels?One of my favorite shows is about to start." You are asking for permission to change channels and explaining why. We generally ask if something is OK as a way of knowing if the other person will not have a problem with it. "Are you still watching this ?A show I have been looking forward to is about to start." You are asking if the other person is actively engaged with what they are watching in order to decide whether disturbing them by switching channels would be bothersome. It is always a good idea to explain why you want to change channels.
"Is it OK to change channels?One of my favorite shows is about to start." ①「チャンネル変えてもいい?私が好きな番組がもうすぐ始まるんだけど。」 相手に、理由を説明した上で、チャンネルを変えても良いか尋ねている。 一般的に、相手がそれで問題がないかどうかを探るために、Is it OK?という聞き方をする。 "Are you still watching this ?A show I have been looking forward to is about to start." ②「これまだ観てる?ずっと観たかった番組がもうすぐ始まるんだけど。」 相手に、今付いている番組を観ているのかどうか確認し、チャンネルを変えたら、後々面倒なことにならないかどうか探っている。 何故あなたがチャンネルを変えたいのか、その理由を説明すると良いでしょう。
Babz DMM英会話講師
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