世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/01 18:26
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  • It's fun to share a meal with friends and family.

「[食事](を共にする」は share a meal with~です。 みんなが誰を指すのかというところですが、友達や家族としました。 友達や家族と食事を共にするのは楽しいね、となります。 「[楽しい](」は fun がいちばんしっくりくると思います。 nice でもいいでしょう。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • Foods taste better when you eat with friends.

友達と一緒だとご飯がより[美味しい](ものだ。 A meal is delightful when you eat with friends. 友達と食事を共にするのは[楽しい](ものだ。 delightful;楽しい喜ばしい 参考になればm(_)m
  • Dining with friends is always more fun!

  • Eating in good company is most enjoyable!

You have the option of eating alone or going to a restaurant with your friends. Some people may prefer to eat alone, in which case, they may say something like: "I prefer to enjoy the pleasure of my own company whilst having a meal." Conversely, a more sociable type of person may say: "Dining with friends is always more fun!" or "Eating in good company is most enjoyable!"
1人で食べるか、友達とご飯を食べにいくかはあなたのチョイスですね。一人で食べるのが好きな人がいますよね。 そう言いたいときは"I prefer to enjoy the pleasure of my own company whilst having a meal." と言えます。 逆に、社交的な人は"Dining with friends is always more fun!" や "Eating in good company is most enjoyable!"というでしょうね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's fun to eat dinner together.

  • It's nice having dinner with everyone.

  • I enjoy going for dinner with my friends.

If you are describing having dinner with your friends to someone, saying 'It's fun to eat dinner together' or 'I enjoy going for dinner with my friends' is good. If you are expressing to your friends during dinner how you feel about it, you can say 'it's nice to having dinner with everyone.'
友達と夕食を楽しんだことを表現する場合は、「It's fun to eat dinner together」もしくは、「I enjoy going for dinner with my friends' is good. 」ということができます。 友達との夕食をどのように感じたか表現する場合は、「it's nice to having dinner with everyone.」ということができます。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • It is always fun to share a meal with my friends!

  • Nothing taste as sweet as having a meal with friends.

  • Eating with my friends always guarantees a fun time.

These example sentences are rich in expressive language and you would definitely get your point across, whilst sounding like a pro in English! We say "share a meal" when we say that we are eating with someone. "Nothing taste as sweet"- this means that nothing is better than eating with your friends. You may use with with anything you please that is related with food. We use the word "guarantee" when we want to assure people that something is true and viable. So when you say "always guarantees", you are assuring someone that having supper/ lunch/ breakfast with your friends is always fun.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • It's more fun having dinner/lunch with friends and family.

  • Having a meal with friends is enjoyable.

*It's more fun having dinner/lunch with friends and family. A: What are you up to friend? B: I think will join you at Joe's pub it's more fun having pizza with company. *Having a meal with friends is enjoyable. A meal is simply food served so depending on the time it's served can call it breakfast, lunch, dinner.
*It's more fun having dinner/lunch with friends and family.という例文について A: What are you up to friend? 「これからどうしますか?」 B: I think will join you at Joe's pub it's more fun having pizza with company. 「Joe's pubで合流しましょう。みんなでピザを食べたほうが楽しいですよね。」 *Having a meal with friends is enjoyable.という例文について mealというのは単純にご飯のことで、出された時間によって朝食、昼食、夕食となります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Eating with friends is more fun than eating by myself

  • I'd prefer to eat with a friend than eat alone.

Eating with a friend is sometimes more enjoyable than eating alone. Having someone to socialize with makes the meal worth remembering. Someone who would want to express the fun in eating with friends can say something like "Eating with friends is more fun than eating by myself". When people eat with good company, it can become a memorable experience for everyone.
友達とご飯を食べることは時折、一人で食べる時よりも楽しいです。誰かと食べることで、食事の時間が思い出に残ります。みんなでご飯を食べるのは楽しいということを表す表現は、"Eating with friends is more fun than eating by myself"です。 みんなでご飯を食べると、みんなにとって印象深い経験になるかもしれません。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Eating with friends and family is fun.

  • Dining together with loved ones is fun.

You can use any of the above two sentences to express that eating with friends and family is fun, or that you find it to be fun. Example; A; Do you enjoy eating with your friends and family? B; Yes, I really enjoy eating with friends and family. It's fun.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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