世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




ご飯を全部食べることが出来た子供に対して、 「わ!お皿がピカピカだ!全部食べたの!?すごいね!」 と褒めたいです。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/02/24 08:04
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  • Wow! You cleaned your plate! You ate all your food! Good job!

  • Where did all the food go? Did you eat them all? Wow! That's great!

英訳例①「すごーい!お皿がピカピカだー!全部食べたのね~!よくできたね!」 ●clean plate→お皿にある物を全部平らげることを意味するイディオムです。 英訳例②「(あら~)食べ物はどこに行っちゃったのかしら~?(もしかして)全部食べたの?すごいねー!」 お子さんの年齢にもよると思いますが、小さなお子さんの場合、英訳例②のような言い方は意外と受けます。イントネーションは重要ポイントなので、ここはお母さまの演技力にお任せします(笑) びっくりするような感じで目を大きく見開いて、言ってみて下さい♡  少しでもご参考になれば嬉しいです♪
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • 1. Good boy, you have eaten all of your food!

  • 2. Your plate is clean. You're growing into a great, big boy!

  • 3. Good boy - you are just like Spiderman - he eats all of his food too!

1. You are congratulating you son for eating all of his food. 2. You are telling him in a loving way that he is growing into a big boy. 3. You are trying to inspire him by saying a marvel character eats his food too. "..just like ___". We use this expression when saying that one thing is very similar to another. "Jane looks just like her mother."
1. 全部食べた息子をお祝いする言い方です。 2.全部綺麗食べたお子さんが良い 大人へ育つだろうと、お子さんに優しく教える言い方です。 3. マーブルのキャラクターも同じようにご飯を食べると言って彼をインスパイアさせる言い方です "just likeは、なにかと何かが非常に似ているときに使います。 "Jane looks just like her mother." 「ジェーンは母親のように見える」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Good job!

  • Well done!You are going to be big and strong.

  • You gobbled up all your food,what a good boy your are!

These are wonderful ways to positively reinforce good behavior in children. "Good job!" This followed by a big smile from you and even clapping your hands enthusiastically. "Well done!You are going to be big and strong." Most children love the idea of growing up and being strong and so this will encourage him. "You gobbled up all your food,what a good boy your are!" to gobble up food = This means he ate it very quickly.
These are wonderful ways to positively reinforce good behavior in children. 子供の善い行いをポジティブに強化する言い回しです。 "Good job!" This followed by a big smile from you and even clapping your hands enthusiastically. Good job!よくできたね!Good job!と言った直後に、満面の笑顔を見せたり、大きな拍手をしてあげると良いでしょう。 "Well done!You are going to be big and strong." Most children love the idea of growing up and being strong and so this will encourage him. Well done! よくできたね!You are going to be big and strong=大きくたくましくなるね!多くの子供たちは、大きくなることや強くなるという発想が大好きなので、このように言えば励みになるでしょう。 "You gobbled up all your food,what a good boy your are!" to gobble up food = This means he ate it very quickly. Gobble up food=あっという間に食べ尽くす。「全部あっという間に食べたね!いい子ね!」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Wow, you cleaned your plated. Well Done.

  • Wow, You finished all your food. Your such a good boy.

The word "wow" shows amazement or surprise. "You cleaned your plate." Means you finished all of the food on it. "Well Done." Praises your son for what he has done. "Your such a good boy." Is another way of praising your son.
"wow" は感嘆や驚きを表します "You cleaned your plate." きれいに食べたのね!という意味は、すべての食べ物をきれいに食べ終えたという意味。 "Well Done." 彼がしたことをほめるときのフレーズ。 "Your such a good boy." あなたはおりこうさんな男の子ね。と息子を褒めるときのほかの言い方。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Good job! You've finished all of your food!

"Good job! You've finished all of your food!" this is a great way to compliment a child on eating all their food. When you say it, be excited, impressed, and surprised at them to have finishing their food.
"Good job! You've finished all of your food!"(よくできたね。全部食べられたじゃん) これは、残さずに食べることができた子どもを褒める素晴らしい言い方です。気持ちを込めて、興奮や感動、驚きが伝わるように言いましょう。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Well done! Good boys like you that finish their food get presents.

This is complimentary, encouraging and also rewarding. Rewarding good behaviour reinforces it so it is repeated.
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Good boy welldone for eating all your dinner!

  • Wow you cleared your plate your going to be a big strong boy!

When you eat all your food off the plate it is said you have 'cleared your plate' when talking to children it is always good to encourage them to do something that way they are more likely to do it words like 'good boy', 'well done' are good By telling them they are going to a big strong boy they might think this is great and do it again
お皿の料理を全て平らげることは、'clear your plate' といいます。 子どもがよいことをしたときにはまた同じようにするように褒めてやるといいですね。 例えば 'good boy' や 'well done' などと言えます。 「大きくて強い男の子になれるよ」と言うと、「またやろう」という気持ちになるかもしれません(例2)。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Good Job, well done!

  • Wow! you cleaned your plate! great job!

  • You ate it all! Good boy!

Three well used phrases, from my childhood anyway, Things my mother used to tell me, short and sweet. using 'Wow','great job' and 'good boy' are all encouragement often used for the younger generation as a little bit of enthusiasm. "You ate it all! Good boy!" implying it as a statement rather than a question and then complimenting your son for it.
よく使われる三つのフレーズです、私の子ども時代からです。母がよく私に言いました。簡潔です。 'wow' と 'great job' 'good boy' は励ましの言葉です。若い人に対してよく、感激したときに使われます。 "You ate it all! Good boy!"(全部食べられたね、お利口さん)は、質問でなく平叙文で伝えています。その後、それについて息子を褒めています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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