A: Were you going to eat that? I threw it out.
B: Are you kidding me?/No way!
「捨てる」は throw out や throw away などの言葉が使えます。
Are you kidding me? は「冗談でしょ?!」
No way! 「ありえない!」「信じられない!」
You were going to eat that? I already threw it out.
What! How could you!?
You were going to eat that?=それ食べるつもりだったの?
I already threw it out=もう捨てちゃったよ
What! How could you?!=ええ!何て事をするんだ!
How could youはhow could you do that=どうやったらそんな事が出来るんだ、と言う意味です。「この人でなし!」みたいな気持ちが込められます。食の恨みは怖いですもんね。