「強い登園自粛要請が出て実質保育園は休園」は英語で「We were strongly requested to show self-restraint for our children to attend daycare, and essentially the daycare was closed.」になると思います。
「強い要請」は「Strongly request」です。
「登園」は「Attending daycare」です。
「我が子たちは登園を自粛していました」は「Our children refrained from attending daycare」になります。
「両親ともに医療従事者の子供は登園しても良いとされていました」は「Children with both parents who work in healthcare were allowed to go to daycare.」になると思います。
例えば、 The daycare was effectively closed due to the strong request to refrain from attending. 『強い登園自粛要請のため、実質保育園は休園していました。』
また少し変えて The daycare was practically closed because of the strong recommendation to stay home. や There was a strong request for children to stay home, so the daycare was effectively closed. というようにも表現できます。