I have been collecting mountaineering goods little by little.
"I have been collecting mountaineering goods"=「私は登山用のグッズを集めてきた」
"little by little."=「少しずつ。」
Sentence in context:
"I have been gathering mountaineering goods little by little over the years. I am hoping to climb Mt. Fuji this summer."
I've been collecting mountaineering equipment little by little.
I've started to purchase hiking gear bit by bit.
ーI've been collecting mountaineering equipment little by little.
collect で「収集する・集める」
登山グッズは mountaineering equipment と言えます。
little by little で「少しずつ」
ーI've started to purchase hiking gear bit by bit.
start to purchase ... bit by bit「少しずつ…を買い始める」と言うことで「少しずつ買って集める」というニュアンスになりますね。
登山グッズは hiking gear とも言えます。
bit by bit で「少しずつ」