This drama is very good until season2.
"This drama is very good until season 2." とは言えますが、「このドラマシーズン2まではすごく良い」になります。
英語ではそのドラマが見ていない方に話すなら可笑しくありませんが、普段 "was very good"「すごく良かった」と言った方が良いです。
This drama was very good until season 2.
すごく良かったには "great" も言えます。
This drama was great until season 2.
ーThis drama was good until the end of the second season but after that it wasn't that good.
This drama was good until the end of the second season. で「このドラマシーズン2までは良かった」と言えます。
ーThe first two seasons of this drama were pretty good but then it got kind of boring.
The first two seasons of this drama were pretty good.「このドラマの最初の2シーズンはとても良かった」と言えます。