It is said that a left-brained person has got a mathematical or logical way of thinking and a right brained person has a more creative and artistic way of thinking
I tend to be more of a left brained thinker.
Steven Jobs, who created iPhone must have been a right brained thinker.
It's often said that the left brain is for logical thinking and the right brain is for artistic thinking, but I think I'm definitely left-brained.
It's often said that the left brain is for logical thinking and the right brain is for artistic thinking, but I think I'm definitely left-brained. 「左脳は数的思考、右脳は芸術思考とよく言われているが、俺はやっぱり左かな。」という意味になります。
また、少し変えて People often say that the left brain handles logical thinking and the right brain handles creative thinking, but I feel more aligned with the left brain. 「左脳が論理的思考を担当し、右脳が創造的思考を担当するとはよく言われるが、私はやはり左脳派だと感じます。」とも言えます。
left brain「左脳」
logical thinking「論理的思考」
right brain「右脳」