常識が common sense として訳されるので直訳して
Japan and America have different common sense.
Japan and America see things differently
① Japanese people and American people have a different idea of common sense.
「① Japanese people and American people have a different idea of common sense.」を推奨します。
Common sense in Japan and in the United States are different.
Common sense has different meanings in Japan and the United States.
Common sense in Japan is very different from that in the United States.
As always there is more than one way to express a specific thought or idea, but these 3 examples are the most accurate way to directly translate your question.
妊娠したことを理由に結婚したとすると、テキサスでは、「marriage of necessity」と呼びます。
Japanese have a different mentality than those in the U.S.
The concept of common sense varies between Japan and the United States.
American and Japanese have a different way of thinking.
You may also say that Japanese and Americans have a different manner of handling things or seeing things. You can also be very direct and state that "Common sense is very different in Japan than the United States." Lastly, you can state that "What is considered common sense in Japan, may not be considered common sense in the United States."
"Common sense is very different in Japan than the United States."
"What is considered common sense in Japan, may not be considered common sense in the United States."
There's different types of common sense in the US compared to Japan.
I think Japanese and American people think very differently.
I feel like Japanese and American people see things differently!
There's different types of common sense in the US compared to Japan.
I think Japanese and American people think very differently.
I fee like Japanese and American people see things differently!
Other phrases you can use...
*We have different points of view
*Different perspectives
*Different opinions on subjects
Hope this helps!! ^ ^
There's different types of common sense in the US compared to Japan.
I think Japanese and American people think very differently.
I fee like Japanese and American people see things differently!
*We have different points of view
*Different perspectives
*Different opinions on subjects
Common sense is different in Japan and The United States.
Common sense in the United States is different to how it is in Japan.
When you want to explain that common sense in Japan is different to how it is in The United States, then you can say one of these two sentences.
For example.
It is just common sense not to do that.
Really? Not where I am from.
Well, common sense in The United States is different to how it is in Japan.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
In Japan and America, "common sense" means two completely different things.
Common sense in Japan and America mean two very different things.
If you would like to explain to someone that common sense in Japan and America are different, you can say something like "In Japan and America, "common sense" means two completely different things." or "Common sense in Japan and America mean two very different things.".
What is common in other parts of the world, is not so common in Japan.
Your common sense and mine are not the same.
Common sense is not the same all over the world.
To express that each individual thinks and understands differently we use the phrase 'common sense' which means something that is known to everyone in the same or similar way.
For example, in some parts of the world, it is common sense to drive on the left side of the road, whereas, in some places, driving on the right side of the road is common sense.
Common sense is unique to each individual and especially to to different countries around the world.
"Western common sense is totally different from East Asian understanding."
"What is common to me may not be common to you."
"We all have different backgrounds and that means we will all understand things differently."