There is a pile of books stacked on top of my guitar. They look like they are going to fall.
There is a stack of books on my guitar but they look like they might topple over.
ーThere is a pile of books stacked on top of my guitar. They look like they are going to fall.
a pile of books で「本の山」
stack 「積み重ねる・積み上げる」
ーThere is a stack of books on my guitar but they look like they might topple over.
a stack of books で「本の山」
stack は名詞としても使えます。
topple over で「ひっくり返る・倒れる」
he stack of books above my guitar are about to slide off.
「ギターの上に」=「above (my) guitar」
「本が積み重ねてあり」=「books are stacked」
「ずり落ちそうです」=「they seem about to slide off」
直訳すれば、だいたい「Books are stacked above my guitar, and they seem about to slide off.」となりますがちょっと不自然です。
なので、「The stack of books above my guitar are about to slide off.」と言いましょう。
「stack of books」は「本の重ね」という意味があり、このような状況でちょうどいいと思います。
「落ちる」は「fall down」という意味がありますが、「ずり落ちる」は「slide off」と言います。