People in the Edo era used to eat sushi with their hands.
「昔寿司は手で食べていました」は英語で言いますと「In the past, sushi used to be eaten by hand」になると思います。
「People in the Edo era used to eat sushi with their hands.」も言えます。
「Sushi used to be 5 times bigger than sushi nowadays and it was too big to pick up with chopsticks so people ate it by hand. 」になると思います。
「寿司のサイズが小さくなった現代でもその風習が残っていて、手で寿司を食べます。」は英語で「Even now with smaller sushi, the custom still remains and people eat sushi with their hands」になると思います。
People didn't always use chopsticks to eat sushi. They used their hands.
ーPeople used to eat sushi with their hands.
ーPeople didn't always use chopsticks to eat sushi. They used their hands.