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2016/07/15 16:58
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  • The company became famous after featuring on TV.

  • The company became famous after appearing on TV.

One way to explain that a certain company became famous after being on TV is to say: The company became famous after featuring on TV. To feature - To appear, to show In this case to feature on TV is to be on a TV show or an advertisement. You can also say: The company became famous after appearing on TV. To appear on TV is to be presented on TV. e,g, He appeared on TV three times. I hope that helps!
ある会社が、テレビに出た後に有名になったことを説明するには、こんな言い方があります。 The company became famous after featuring on TV. feature - 現れる、〜に出る この場合 feature on TV とは、テレビ番組やCMに出ることです。 また、このような言い方もあります。 The company became famous after appearing on TV. appear on TV はテレビに出たということです。 例 He appeared on TV three times. (彼はテレビに3回出ました。) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • That company became very famous after it appeared on TV.

テレビに映ってから、あの会社はすごく有名になった。 Appear on TV: テレビに映る
  • That company became famous, after a TV introduction!

  • That company was televised and now it's famous!

  • That company was made famous after it was aired on TV!

"That company became famous, after a TV introduction!" "That company was televised and now it's famous!" "That company is famous now after it was aired on TV!" "Televised" or "Introduction" or "Aired" it all means that the company has appeared on TV and now it is famous.
"That company became famous, after a TV introduction!"(テレビが紹介してからあの会社は有名になった。) "That company was televised and now it's famous!"(あの会社はテレビに出て、今は有名だ。) "That company is famous now after it was aired on TV."(あの会社はテレビで放映されてから今は有名だ。) "televised"や "introduction”や"aired"は、すべて会社がテレビに出たことで今は有名であることを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The company became famous because it was shown/appeared/broadcasted on TV.

Broadcast means to show something on TV. For example: "The show will be broadcasted on TV worldwide"
"Broadcastとは、テレビなどで放送するという意味です。 例えば: ""The show will be broadcasted on TV worldwide"" この番組は世界中のテレビで放送されます。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This company got its' fame because it was on TV.

  • This company became famous because it was on TV.

These are two different sentences that you can use when talking about a company that became famous from being on TV. Notice that we can either use the word, "fame," as a noun in one sentence, and the other can use the adjective, "famous," in another depending on what verb that we use. Please be aware that, "got its' fame," is using the possessive -'s on the subject pronoun, "it," so show that the company possesses this fame.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • This company gained household acceptance through TV advertising

  • This company gained national fame by being featured in a TV documentary

To accurately describe what happened here, it would be necessary to know if the company was featured on TV because of its own marketing campaign - or because it was included in a documentary, news or other kind of film. To gain household acceptance = to become popular with the general public. To gain national fame = to become famous across the whole country.
ここで何が起きているのか正確に知るために、その独自のマーケティング手法でテレビで紹介されたのか、またはドキュメンタリーやその他映画などで取り上げられたのかを知っておく必要があります。 To gain household acceptance = 一般人の間で有名になる。 To gain national fame = 国中で有名になる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The company became very well know after it appeared on TV.

  • The TV show helped the company to get famous.

  • If it was not for the TV broadcast the company would have never been famous.

>The company became very well know after it appeared on TV. *well known=widely or generally known .............. >The TV show helped the company to get famous. *This sentence indicates that because of the TV show the company became famous. So the TV show helped the company to get famous. ................... >If it was not for the TV broadcast the company would have never been famous. *This is an indirect way of saying that the TV broadcast helped a lot to get the company famous. *broadcast=tell (something) to many people. ..............***.............
The company became very well know after it appeared on TV. *well known=幅広く一般的に知られているという意味です。 The TV show helped the company to get famous. テレビ取材の影響で会社が有名になったことを意味する表現です。 テレビ取材は会社が有名になるのに役立ちます。 If it was not for the TV broadcast the company would have never been famous. テレビの報道が会社が有名になるにとても役立ちます。 *broadcast=多くの人に伝えることを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The company became famous because of its impressive TV advertisements.

  • The company became famous because of its TV documentaries

There are two ways in which a company may be on TV. The most common one is through repeated advertisements and the other method is through documentaries. The noun 'advertisement' means 'a notice or announcement in a public medium such as TV or newspaper promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy'. The noun 'documentary' means 'using pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual report on a particular subject especially on TV'. So, you may say: The company became famous because of its impressive TV advertisements. or The company became famous because of its TV documentaries.
企業などがテレビに出る方法としては2つあります。 最も一般的なものは繰り返す映る広告であり、もうひとつはドキュメンタリー番組によるものです。 名詞'advertisement'とは、テレビ、新聞などの公的媒体での商品やサービスの広告、イベントの宣伝、求人の公表などを意味します。 名詞 'documentary' は、特にテレビを使って、特定の話題に関する事実上の出来事をそれに関わる写真や人々のインタビューを通して伝えることです。 従って、以下のような言い方ができます: The company became famous because of its impressive TV advertisements. または、 The company became famous because of its TV documentaries.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The power of TV...

  • They were almost unknown then they were seen on the telly! That's the power of TV

Television is the conduit into our homes...and some companies spend vast amounts, to get "a tv spot" or some "Air Time". So the "telly" is a very powerful tool in terms of advertsing;-D It could even make an unknown company "visible and successful" "That is the power of television... in action:-D"
"Television"(テレビ)は私たちの家で情報を与えてくれるルートになります。 そして、企業は "a tv spot" (テレビコマーシャル)や"Air Time"(放送時間)を得るために多くのお金を費やします。 ですので、この"telly"(テレビ)は広告の観点において非常に有力な手段です;-D これは無名の会社を "visible and successful" (明確で成功した) 会社にすることができます。 "That is the power of television... in action:-D" (これぞテレビの力、活動中)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "This company is very well known and famous because it has been on television"

  • "This company has been on television so it is considered famous to many people"

If you wanted to explain that a certain company became famous because it has been on TV before, you could say either of the following to express this: "This company is very well known and famous because it has been on television" or "This company has been on television so it is considered famous to many people".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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