ーTwo out of five were broken, and the last three were broken as well.
the last three で「最後の3つ」=「残りの3つ」と言えます。
ーTwo out of five were broken, but the other three were ok.
the other three で「他の3つ」=「残りの3つ」とも言えます。
Out of the five, two were damaged, but the rest are fine.
Three out of five were damaged.
Two out of five were left undamaged.
① "Out of the five, two were damaged,"=「5個中、2個は壊れました。」
"but the rest are fine."=「でも残りは大丈夫です。」
② "Three out of five were damaged."=「5個中3個は壊れました。」
③ "Two out of five were left undamaged."=「5個中2個は壊れないで残っていました。」