I don't look at people with the point of view that he should be certain way because he is a man, or she should do something because she is a woman
he should be certain way because he is a man(男だからこう言う態度・行動をとるべきだ), or she should do something because she is a woman (女だから何とかをするべきだ)
she should be a certain wayやhe should so somethingもOKですね。
直訳的に「because he is a man, because she is a woman」になりますが意味が不明になってしまいますね。
the point of view that ~
I don't look at people with the point of view that he should do something because he is a man, she did something even though she is a woman. I always try to see what kind of person they are regardless of gender (性別にかかわらずその人がどういう人か見るようにしています)