There's only one letter that is different between these two words, but they mean completely different things.
These words are spelled exactly the same except for one letter, but they are completely different in meaning.
ーThere's only one letter that is different between these two words, but they mean completely different things.
they mean completely different things で「それらは(2つの単語)完全に異なることを意味する」
ーThese words are spelled exactly the same except for one letter, but they are completely different in meaning.
be spelled で「綴られる」
exactly the same で「全く同じ」
except で「〜を除いては」
different in meaning で「意味が違う」
A difference of just one letter can make the meaning so different.
A single spelling difference can entirely change the word's meaning.
"A difference of just one letter"=「一文字の違い」
"can make the meaning so different."=「によって意味がこんなに違うとは。」
"A single spelling difference"=「一つのスペルの違い」
"can entirely change the word's meaning."=「は言葉の意味を完全に変えることができるんだね。」