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2016/07/17 18:41
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  • I had ramen noodles and a half-portion fried rice for lunch today.

ラーメンはそのまま ramen または ramen noodles。 半チャーハンは半分の量なので、half-portion fried rice です。 「今日のランチに、ラーメンとチャーハンを半分食べました」という例文ですね。 食べる、と言いたいときは普通はhave を使います。 eat は少しくだけた感じ、「ラーメン食ったよ」みたいになるので使い方に気を付けましょう。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • I ate ramen and a half-size fried rice for lunch today.

  • I had...

  • For lunch I had...

It's usually okay to just say "ramen" just like that for 「ラーメン」, but for 「半チャーハン」there are a few different phrases you could use: - half-size fried rice - half-portion of fried rice To tell about what you ate, you can use "had" or "ate," both are totally okay. - I ate ramen and a half-size fried rice for lunch today. - I had ramen and a half-size fried rice for lunch today. - For lunch I had ramen and a half-size fried rice.
「ラーメン」については普通そのまま "ramen" と言って問題ありませんが、「半チャーハン」についてはいくつか言い方があります: - half-size fried rice - half-portion of fried rice (半チャーハン) 「食べた」には "had" と "ate" どちらを使っても大丈夫です。 - I ate ramen and a half-size fried rice for lunch today. - I had ramen and a half-size fried rice for lunch today. - For lunch I had ramen and a half-size fried rice. (今日のランチはラーメンと半チャーハンでした)
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I ate ramen noodles and a small portion of fried rice today for lunch.

You can say "I ate ramen noodles and a small portion of fried rice for lunch today." A small portion is a way of explaining that you had a half-sized amount.
"I ate ramen noodles and a small portion of fried rice for lunch today." (今日はお昼にラーメンと、チャーハンをちょっと食べた) と言えます。 「半分の量」は「a small portion」と説明することができます。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • I had some ramen and a small fried rice for lunch today.

  • For lunch today I ate some ramen and a little bit of rice.

"I had some ramen and a small fried rice for lunch today." You can always say the word "half-sized" or use small, medium, or large. "For lunch today I ate some ramen and a little bit of rice. " If your rice isn't a normal size you can say a little bit, or a lot. If it just rice you can say, "For lunch today I am some ramen and rice."
"I had some ramen and a small fried rice for lunch today." 今日はランチにラーメンと半チャーハンを食べました。 "half-sized"(半分のサイズ)やsmall(小)medium(中) large(大)を使うことができます。 "For lunch today I ate some ramen and a little bit of rice. " 今日のランチにラーメンとチャーハンを少し食べました。 ご飯が普通サイズ出なかった場合、a little bit(少し)、a lot(たくさん)と言えます。 普通のサイズだった場合は以下のように言います。 "For lunch today I am some ramen and rice." 今日のランチにラーメンとチャーハンを食べました。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • Ramen and half a bowl of rice

Half a bowl of something, or half a plate of, describes eating half the size of a regular portion of food.
half a bowl of~ half a plate of ~ どちらも「レギュラーサイズの半分」という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I had noodles and fried rice for lunch.

  • I had some fried rice and some noodles.

  • I ate some noodles and rice.

example "I ate some noodles and rice today for my lunch." or "I had fried rice and noodles today." or "I had some noodles and fried rice today."
 "I ate some noodles and rice today for my lunch." お昼ご飯に、ラーメンとご飯を食べました。   "I had fried rice and noodles today."  今日、チャーハンとラーメンを食べました。 "I had some noodles and fried rice today." 今日、ラーメンとチャーハンを食べました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I had ramen with a small portion of rice for lunch.

  • I ate for lunch ramen with a little rice.

  • For lunch I had ramen with a half-portion of rice.

In this case the words 'ate' and 'had' are interchangeable that is to say either may be used without changing the meaning. We don't use 'half-size' when talking about food. We can use 'half-portion' instead. We may also use 'small portion of rice' or 'some rice' or 'a little rice', all are acceptable and will be understood.
この場合、"ate"と"had"はどちらも食べたという意味で使うことができます。 英語では食べ物について話す場合は、"half-size"という言葉は使わず、"half-portion"(半分の量)というフレーズを使います。 small portion of rice' or 'some rice' or 'a little rice'どれも「少しの量のごはん」となり、相手に伝わる表現です。
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • I had a small portion of rice with fish and pork noodle broth

  • I had a Japanese broth with rice

Ramen is a mixture of fish soup and perhaps seaweed and pork or other meat along with noodles and possibly eggs - and you had rice with it as well! In fact, to an English mentality, it seems like the whole contents of a kitchen have been emptied into a soup pan! Why are there no potatoes also? Best just to say 'Japanese broth.'
ラーメンは、魚のスープに、海藻とか、豚または他の肉、それに麺、卵も入っているかもしれません、これらを混ぜ合わせたものです。そして、ごはんも一緒にたべたのですか?英国人からみれば、キッチンのあらゆる物を鍋に放り込んだように見えます。なぜ、じゃがいもはないのですか?「Japanese broth(日本のスープ)」というのが一番いいと思います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I had ramen and a small portion of fried rice for lunch.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I had ramen and a small portion of fried rice for lunch.」 =今日のランチはラーメンと半チャーハンでした。 (例文)I had ramen and a small portion of fried rice for lunch. It was so good.// That's great! (訳)今日のランチはラーメンと半チャーハンでした。とても美味しかった。//それいいね! お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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