I cleaned my room from corner to corner and I feel great.
I cleaned every nook and corner/cranny in my room and it feels great.
「Every nook and corner」まはは「every nook and cranny」といいます。
I cleaned my room from corner to corner and I feel great.
I cleaned every nook and corner/cranny in my room and it feels great.
I cleaned my whole house from one end to the other and feel so much better.
I feel so good now that I've cleaned my house from top to bottom.
ーI cleaned my whole house from one end to the other and feel so much better.
clean my whole house from one end to the other で「家を隅から隅まで掃除する」と言えます。
feel so much better で「すっきりする」
ーI feel so good now that I've cleaned my house from top to bottom.
feel so good で「すっきりする」
もし2階建ての家に住んでいるなら、clean my house from top to bottom で「隅から隅まで(上から下まで・徹底的に)掃除する」のようにも言えます。