I can't do anything
I can't do anything about it
I can't do anything (about it) because I don't know how to deal with the problem.
The most common ways to say it is :
"Sorry, I could not solve the problem."
"I am sorry but I could not fix it."
"There is nothing I could do about it."
"Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do."
"I tried, but I couldn't solve it."
"It is out of my hands."
Sorry (apologizing) It is polite to apologize in such a situation.
"Sorry, I could not solve the problem."(問題を解決することができずすみません。)
"I am sorry but I could not fix it."(問題を解決することができずすみません。)
"There is nothing I could do about it."(私にできることはなさそうです。)
"Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do."(残念ですが、私にできることはありませんでした。)
"I tried, but I couldn't solve it."(やってみましたが、問題の解決はできませんでした。)
"It is out of my hands."(私の手に負えません。)
1. There was nothing I could do about the situation.
2. This is out of my control.
The word "control" means the power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of
events. Therefore if something is out of your control, it means that you do not have the power to
influence people's behaviour or the course of events.
1. There was nothing I could do about the situation.
2. This is out of my control.
単語"control"は、人の行動や出来事の過程に影響を与えたり指示したりする権限という意味です。よって、何かがout of your controlだというのは、人の行動や出来事の過程に影響力を持たないという意味です。
I am so sorry, but I was helpless in that situation...
Being "Helpless" is an awful feeling...There is nothing to be done. Nowhere to turn.
No options at all ;-(
"I am so sorry, but I was helpless in that situation..."
"There is nothing to be done. Nowhere to turn." (できることもなければ、頼る人もいない。)
"I am so sorry, but I was helpless in that situation..." (本当にすみません、しかしあの状況では私はどうすることもできませんでした。)
There was nothing else I could do to fix the problem.
"There was nothing else I could do to fix the problem." this means that you could not do anything to fix the problem.
"There was nothing else I could do to fix the problem." this means that you could not do anything to fix the problem.
It was out of my hands. - "to have your hand (in something)" means that you had some power or influence over that thing; if "(something) is out of your hands," this means that you don't have any power or influence over it.
It was out of my hands.
"to have your hand (in something)"
物事に力や影響力を持つことです。out of your handsは、物事に対して力や影響力がないということです。
I'm afraid I don't know how to deal with this problem/issue.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to attend to this issue.
I cannot sort out this issue, sorry.
If you want to apologize to someone in a polite way, you can use the following phrase:
''I'm afraid...''
The phrases ''deal with'' , ''sort out'' and ''attend to'' are similar. They mean that you cannot do
We can either use the verbs, "to fix," or, to deal with," to talk about working on a solution to a problem. We can also mention that, "there was nothing I could do," to mention that we didn't have the capable to fix or deal with the problem/issue.