世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/21 22:18
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  • Would you like to take a shower, or a bath?

  • Would you like to take a shower, or soak/be immersed in the bath?

お湯に浸かる と考えると難しいかもしれませんが、例文1のように、お風呂に入る と考えると、簡単にできますね。 あえて、『浸かる』という表現を使いたいなら、例文2のように soak あるいは、be immersed (これは他動詞ですので、受け身にします) という単語を使うと良いでしょう。 ご参考まで。
  • Would you like to shower or bath?

  • Would you prefer a shower or a bath?

"Would you like to shower or bath?" This asks the person if they want to shower or bath. "Would you prefer a shower or a bath?" This asks the person which they would like to do more. "Do you prefer to shower or bath?" This asks if they like to shower or bath more.
Would you like to shower or bath? シャワーか風呂に入りたいか尋ねます。 Would you prefer a shower or a bath? どちらがより好きかを尋ねます。 Do you prefer to shower or bath? シャワーとお風呂どちらがより好きか尋ねます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you take a shower or take a bath?

  • Would you take a shower or bathe in hot water?

海外でもお湯に浸かる文化はありますが、大概は水着で入ります。 日本のように公衆で裸でお風呂に入る文化は韓国や中国にもあります。 プライベートでも洋画などでシャワーではなく、浴槽に入ってるシーンも多く見られます。(もちろん、その際は水着は着ていません) ですので、余り難しく考えずに1番目のように「シャワーかバスか?」くらいでも十分通じると思います。 2番目は文化の違いでチョット問題が起きる場合があります。 それは bathe in hot water がバブルバスみたいな感じで浴槽内で身体を洗われる可能性があるからです。 その場合は、事前にetiquetteを説明して上げるといいですね。 お役にたてば幸いです☆
  • Would you like a hot bath

  • Would you like to freshen up

Example "would you like to have a hot bath?". or "would you like to freshen up?". or "Would you like a shower?". or "would you like a soak in the tub"?.
例文 "would you like to have a hot bath?" 「お湯に入りますか?」 または "would you like to freshen up?". 「お湯につかってさっぱりしますか?」 または "Would you like a shower?" 「シャワーにしますか?」 または "Would you like a soak in the tub"? 「お風呂につかりますか?」
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to take a bath or a shower?

  • Would you like to have a bath or shower?

You can say either take or have, both are acceptable. Take is slightly more formal, and have is a little more casual. It's fine not to insert 'a' after the word 'or', but if you would like to you can.
“take”(とる)か“have”(持つ)どちらでも言うことができます。 “take” はよりフォーマルで、“have”はもう少しカジュアルです。 “or” という言葉のあとに、“a” といれなくて大丈夫です。 しかし入れたければ入れることができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Do you prefer a shower or a bath?

  • Where do you clean yourself?

Well, this is a kind of personal topic and, of course the context of the situation is everything. If you are renting a room and a guest is arriving and there is a choice of 2 rooms, then really you need to make it clear you are offering a choice: "Would you prefer a room with a shower or a bath?" On the other hand, if you are visiting a buddy in a shared house and you can't see any bathroom facilities, you may ask:"Where do you clean yourself?"
個人的な話題のひとつだね。話の文脈によって全てがきまります。部屋を貸し出していて、ゲストがきたときに二つの部屋をオファーするなら、こう尋ねることができる。"Would you prefer a room with a shower or a bath?" 一方で、友達の家に訪問して風呂が見つからない時は、"Where do you clean yourself?"と尋ねることができるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which one do you prefer shower or bath?

*Which one do you prefer shower or bath? Bathing is when you clean your body sitting in a tub or big basin. Showering is when you clean yourself standing under a sprinkler like. Some people prefer taking a bath to taking a shower. A: Do you want me to run hot water for you in the tub? B: No thanks, will take a shower today.
*Which one do you prefer shower or bath?という例文について Bathというのは、バスタブに座って体を洗うときのことです。Showerはスプリンクラーのような下で身体を洗うときのことです。シャワーではなく、お風呂に入ることを好む人もいます。 例文 A: Do you want me to run hot water for you in the tub? 「バスタブに熱いお湯を入れましょうか?」 B: No thanks, will take a shower today. 「いえ、結構です。今日はシャワーにします。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "Would you like to take a shower or a bath?"

  • "Would you prefer to take a bath or a shower?"

If you wanted to ask someone if they would like to take a bath or take a shower, you could ask either of the following questions to get a direct answer: "Would you like to take a shower or a bath?" or "Would you prefer to take a bath or a shower?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to take a shower or a bath?

Examples: Would you prefer to take a shower or a bath? Do you want to take a shower or a bath? We have a shower and a bath, which one would you like to take? We need to freshen up, before we head out for dinner tonight! I have a shower and a bath at my place, you can choose to take either!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to take a bath or a shower?

  • I can run you a bath, or would you prefer a shower?

  • How would you like to freshen up? A bath or shower?

If you would like to ask someone to freshen up (make themselves feel clean), you could suggest asking them if they want to take a shower or bath. This is completely a personal question for them and they can let you know what they want. - Would you like me to run you a bath? - No thank you, I will jump into the shower.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to take a shower or bath?

  • Would you prefer to take a shower or bath?

Here are two different ways that we can say this and the only difference is between the verbs, "to like," or, "to prefer," but these two meanings can be seen totally differently. When saying, "would you like," its as if you are asking, "do you want," whereas, "would you prefer," is said in a way that you already know that they want to wash up.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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