Tokyo is constantly renewing itself by demolishing buildings from the past and rebuilding new ones.
Tokyo is a city with an endless cycle of demolishing old buildings and building new ones.
In Tokyo, new city plans are constantly created as the old buildings are swept aside.
"Tokyo is constantly renewing itself by demolishing buildings from the past and rebuilding new ones."=「東京は常に過去の建物を破壊して、新しい建物を建てることによって再建している。」
"Tokyo is a city with an endless cycle of demolishing old buildings and building new ones."=「東京は古い建物を破壊し、新しい建物を建てるという終わりのないサイクルをしている。」
"In Tokyo, new city plans are constantly created as the old buildings are swept aside. "=「東京では、新しい都市計画が常に作られると同時に古い建物は取り払われている。」
"Old streets are demolished, making way for new ones."
*Old streets are demolished*(古い町並みが取り壊される)
*making way for new ones*(新しい町並みが生まれる)
- *Many old neighborhoods in Tokyo have been demolished to create space for modern developments.*