Is your marriage an arranged marriage? Oh, sorry, that's none of my business.
Is your marriage a love marriage or an arranged marriage? Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.
英訳1:「お見合い結婚」は an arranged marriage と言います。
none of one's business で「関係ないこと」、つまり「余計なお世話」という慣用表現になります。
英訳2:英語で「恋愛結婚」を強いて言うなら、love marriage です。
I shouldn't have asked. と言えば、「聞くべきじゃなかった」という意味で、余計なことを言ってしまったことに対する詫びの言葉になります。
Were you married through an arranged marriage or by actually being in a romantic relationship? Sorry I shoudn’t bother you.
Were you married through an arranged marriage? はお見合いを通して結婚したんですか?
arranged marriage はお見合いと言う意味です。
arranged は設定したと言う意味なので、この場合設定してお見合いをすると言う意味では、最高の言葉です。
by actually by being in a romantic relationship? は恋愛結婚ですか?と言う意味です。
How did you get to know your wife? Did you meet her at work or at school, or was it an arranged marriage? Sorry, that's none of my business.
How did you get to know your wife? Did you meet her at work or at school, or was it an arranged marriage? Sorry, that's none of my business.
「お見合い結婚」はarranged marriageと言います。