世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 11:33
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  • I would like to change my flight.

I would like to change ~ ~を変えたい I would like to change my flight の後にtimeやdateを入れると内容がより具体的になります。 (例文) I would like to change my flight time. フライトの時間を変えたい。 I would like to change my flight date. フライトの日にちを変えたい。 Have a safe trip!
  • I would like to change my flight schedule.

  • Could I change my flight schedule?

  • I need to reschedule my flight.

  • Excuse me, can I change my flight to another one?

  • How may i change my flight to another one please?

  • Can I change to another flight please?

Any one of these phrases is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to change my flight.

  • I would like to reschedule my flight

  • I would like to cancel my current flight and book another one.

Any of these can be used in order for you to change to either an earlier or later flight. All that is left to you is to provide the details for the change you would like.
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to reschedule my flight to Saturday same time please.

  • May I please reschedule my flight to Saturday same time?

Sometimes, a traveler may get delayed by some unforeseen event and be forced to change his/her flight plans prompting him/her to reschedule his/her flight. This rescheduling may involve changing the flight to a later date or to an earlier date. Suppose you were originally to depart on Friday, but an unforeseen event will delay you until Friday evening. You can ask to reschedule your flight to Saturday same time. So, you may say: I would like to reschedule my flight to Saturday same time please. or May I please reschedule my flight to Saturday same time?
旅行者は時に予期しない出来事に見舞われて、フライトの変更を余儀なくされることがあります。変更にはフライトの日程を早めたり、遅らせたりが含まれます。もともと金曜日に出発する予定だったけれども、予期しない出来事が発生して金曜日の夜まで出発できなくなったとします。その場合、土曜日の同じ時間にフライトの変更を依頼することができるでしょう。 I would like to reschedule my flight to Saturday same time please. (私のフライトを土曜日の同じ時間に変更したいです。) May I please reschedule my flight to Saturday same time? (土曜日の同じ時間にフライトを変更して頂けますか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I would like to change my flight.

  • I would like to change the time/date of my flight.

  • Can I reschedule my flight please?

The first option is a simple way of asking to reschedule your flight. If you would like to specify the change to your flight, such as the time, you can say, "I would like to change the time of my flight." If you are not sure if you are still able to change your flight or would like to politely ask, you can say, "can I reschedule my flight please?"
まずシンプルに、 "I would like to change the time of my flight."で伝えることができます。チケットが変更できるかわからない場合、 "can I reschedule my flight please?"とpleaseをつけ丁寧に伝えることもできます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • change

  • reschedule, amend

examples "i would like to reschedule my flight". "i would like to amend my flight booking for another time".
例文 "I would like to reschedule my flight". フライトを変更したいです "I would like to amend my flight booking for another time". フライトを別の時に変更したいです
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible to change my flight?

  • I would like to change my flight.

You have booked the wrong flight. OH NO! You need to change. Then you can say one of these two sentences. For example. How may I help you? I seem to have booked the wrong flight. Okay, what would you like to do? Is it possible to change my flight? Sure, no problem. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to please change my flight time,

  • I would like to amend my travel time, please.

  • Can I make changes to my flight arrangements, please?

If you would like to change your flight arrangements, use the sentences above when speaking to the flight staff. Anything can happen and we can find we need to change the time of our flight. We may need an earlier flight or a later one depending on the situation. "I would like to please get an earlier flight to New York." "Is it possible to catch a flight that's two hours later, to Pondicherry?" "I would like to change my flight destination please?"
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I need to change my flight.

  • I need to change to a different flight

  • Is it possible to change my flight to a different one?

There are many ways to express that we want to change our flight. But the airline may not allow you to just change your flight. the term reschedule may be more appropriate. They may also want you to cancel your flight and to book a completely new flight. So here are some different ways to express it -I would like to reschedule my flight -can I change my flight to a different flight? -I would like to reschedule my flight to this flight (flight number) -do I need to cancel this flight in order to have this flight (flight number) booked? I hope this helps, thanks for reading Teacher Lewis
Lewis M English teacher
  • I need to change my flight.

  • I have to reschedule my flight.

  • I have to switch my current flight to a different one.

When you want to move your flight to a new/different one you can use the phrases "reschedule" if you want to change to date or time of your flight. You can also use "change" for moving your flight's time or date. Finally, you can use "switch" to express your want to change the flight destination, date, or time.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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