"Because of my father's influence, I started playing the guitar."
"I picked up the guitar because of my father."
"My father got me into playing the guitar."
"influence" 「影響」
"picked up" - "to pick up" 今回は「拾う」という意味ではなく、「始める」という意味を表します。
"I started playing the guitar." と "I picked up the guitar." は同じ意味です。
"my father got me into ◯◯." 「父の影響で〇〇を始めた。」
I started playing the guitar because of my father.
"I started playing the guitar because of my father." 「父の影響でギターを始めました」 というフレーズが使えます。
"I started playing the guitar because of my father. He had a guitar and taught me how to play." 「父がギターを持っていたので、教えてもらいながら始めました」 と言えます。
"I took up the guitar thanks to my father. He had one and guided me as I learned." 「父のおかげでギターを始めました。彼がギターを持っていて、教えてくれました」
"Inspired by my father, I began playing the guitar. He owned one and taught me along the way." 「父に触発されてギターを始めました。彼がギターを持っていて、教えてくれました」