It's too bad we won't be able to do business together anymore.
It's disappointing to think that we won't be able to work together in the future.
ーIt's too bad we won't be able to do business together anymore.
It's too bad ... で「…で残念です」という言い方です。
to do business で「取引する・(仕事上の)付き合いをする」
anymore で「もう…ない」
ーIt's disappointing to think that we won't be able to work together in the future.
It's disappointing ... で「…で残念です」とも言えます。
to work together で「一緒に働く・仕事をする」同じ会社でなくても、この言い方はできます。
We all are surprised to know your sudden business shutdown under these circumstances.
At the same time it is a pity to realize that we can't maintain the mutual business relationship with you anymore in the future.
We all are surprised to know your sudden business shutdown under these circumstances. At the same time it is a pity to realize that we can't maintain the mutual business relationship with you anymore in the future.
We'd like to express our special thanks for everything you have rendered on ourselves so far in the buisiness field and we have no doubt that your business will be relauching, expanding and promising again in the near future.
Thanks again for your best cooperation so far.