Because of the pandemic, I haven't had as many opportunities to go out, so to make efficient use of that time, I've started studying English conversation.
Because of the coronavirus, I haven't been going out as much so in order to use my time wisely, I started studying English.
「有効活用」は「efficient use」といいます。
「Make efficient use of 〜」という言い方がよく使われています。
Because of the pandemic, I haven't had as many opportunities to go out, so to make efficient use of that time, I've started studying English conversation.
「Use time wisely」という表現もあります。
「Use time wisely」は「時間を賢く使う」という意味です。
Because of the coronavirus, I haven't been going out as much so in order to use my time wisely, I started studying English.
I usually like going out but I can’t do that now because of COVID-19 so I’m using my spare time to study English.
I’ve started learning English because I have plenty of time at home since COVID-19 has spread.
1)’ 私は普段外出するのが好きなのですが、コロナの影響でそれができなくなり、その余った時間を英語の勉強に使ってます’
go out 出かける、外出する
because of ~ ~ にために、〜のせいで
COVID-19 コロナウイルス
spare time 余った時間、予備の時間
plenty of time たくさんの時間
at home 家での
since 〜以来
spread 拡がる