Sorry, I didn't catch what you just said.
Sorry, I don't quite get what you just said.
相手を聞き逃した場合も、相手が聞き逃した場合も、"Can you say that again?"などとそのまま聞いていくので、ほとんど理由をいうことがないと思うのですが(言わなくてもSorry?やPardon me? Big pardon?などと聞き返すだけで、相手の言っていることがcatchできなかったことは伝わるので)、あえて伝えるなら上記のようにgetやcatchを使って表していけます。
Can you please repeat that? Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
Can you please say that again? Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.
・「Can you please repeat that? Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. 」
「Can you please say that again? Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. 」
(例文)Excuse me, can you please repeat that? Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.// Sure!
(例文)Can you please repeat that? I couldn't hear you.