I'll send you a picture of cherry blossoms from the same place I took it last year.
「去年撮った時のと同じ場所の桜の写真」=「a picture of cherry blossoms from the same place I took it last year」
因みに、「cherry blossoms」の代わりにそのままで「sakura」と言ってもいいです。
I'll send you a picture of the cherry blossoms from the same spot I took it last year.
「去年撮った時のと同じ場所の桜の写真を送るね」は英語で「I'll send you a picture of the cherry blossoms from the same spot I took it last year.」と言います。「去年撮った時のと同じ場所」は「from the same spot I took it last year」になります。英語圏では「桜」は「cherry blossoms」というのですが、最近日本の文化が流行って「sakura」そのままでも通じる時もあります。
You can't really go see the cherry blossoms, so I'll send you a picture of them from the same spot I took it last year.