"When I give birth, would it be ok if I bring my 3 year old son?"
- "When I give birth, would it be ok if I bring my 3 year old son?"
"when~" 「〜の際」
"give birth" 「出産する」
”would it be ok if~" 「〜していいですか」
"bring my 3 year old son" 「3歳の息子を連れてくる」
出産の際に旦那が付添人で来る予定なのですが3歳の息子も一緒に連れてくる事は可能でしょうか? もちろん一緒に分娩室に入れないことは承知です。
"I was planning for my husband to accompany me when I give birth, however I was wondering if it would be possible if my 3 year old son also came? I understand of course he wouldn't be able to enter the delivery room."
"I was planning ~" 「〜の予定でした」
”to accompany me."「付添人で来る”」
"I understand of course ~" 「もちろん〜 は承知です。」
"wouldn't be able to enter the delivery room" 「分娩室に入れない」