"I didn't finish all my work yesterday so I will have to do it today."
"I couldn't finish my work yesterday so it carries over to today."
- "I didn't finish all my work yesterday so I will have to do it today."
"I didn't finish all my work" 「仕事が終わらなかった」
"I will have to do ~" 「〜をやらなきゃ」
- "I couldn't finish my work yesterday so it carries over to today."
"I couldn't finish ~" 「終われなかった」
この場合では一つ目の文の方がネーティブな言い方でが "carry over" をネーティブな使いかったの例文は:
"Any work that isn't finished today will carry over to tomorrow."
I didn't finish everything I had to do at work yesterday, so I have to finish it today.
I didn't quite get everything done at work yesterday, so I have some left to finish today.
この場合 carry over を使うとちょっと不自然になるので、次のように言うと良いと思います。
ーI didn't finish everything I had to do at work yesterday, so I have to finish it today.
ーI didn't quite get everything done at work yesterday, so I have some left to finish today.