世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/31 12:03
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  • I'd like a room with a view of the ocean.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd like a room with a view of the sea/ocean/water. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ これで完璧です。 あと、海に限らず、山、町、何でもお好きな景色へ単語を差し替えることができます。 例: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd like a room with a view of the town. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd like a room with a view of the mountains. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 空き自体があまりなく、 「とりあえず、見晴らしの良い部屋はないですかね?」 と聞きたい場合、こちらを使ってください: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have any rooms with a good view? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • We would like an ocean view please.

Ocean viewは海が見える側の事を指しているのでそれでも通じます!
  • A) I would like a room overlooking the view of the ocean if possible please.

  • B) Do you have any rooms available with an ocean view ?

A) I would like a room overlooking the view of the ocean if possible please. *If possible - being something that may or may not occur. *Overlooking the ocean -having the ocean as your view B) Do you have any rooms available with an ocean view ? *Available - able to be used
A) I would like a room overlooking the view of the ocean if possible please. (可能であれば、海の見える部屋をお願いします)*If possible - 可能であれば *Overlooking the ocean -視界に海がある B) Do you have any rooms available with an ocean view ?(海の見える部屋が空いていますか?) *Available - 使用できる
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could I book a room with a sea view please?

  • 2. May I have a room overlooking the ocean please?

  • 3. It's imperative I have a room with a panorama of the sea.

To book = to reserve A sea view = from the window of your room the sea is visible Overlooking = have a view of from above. It's imperative = it's essential Panorama = any wide-angle view or representation of a physical space, whether in painting, drawing, photography, film, seismic images or a three-dimensional model
To book = to reserve 予約する A sea view = from the window of your room the sea is visible 窓から海が見える Overlooking = have a view of from above. 向こうに海が見える It's imperative = it's essential 不可欠の Panorama =広角的な景色、全景、写真、画像、絵、3次元的な画像など
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have an ocean view room available?

The above example is in question form, however you could simply just state what you would like rather than asking the question.
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to reserve a room with a sea view please

  • Do you have any rooms with a sea view?

In England we always call the ocean the sea and therefore the view you would like is a sea view. These rooms are usually more expensive than rooms with a country or town view
イングランドでは、海のことをthe seaといい、そのため、海の見える景色をa sea viewと言います。 こういう部屋に泊まるのは普通の街並みの景色の部屋より高いものです。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to book a room with a sea view.

  • Please ensure that my room looks out onto the ocean.

  • A sea view is my main criteria when I reserve a hotel room.

One has to be very specific when requesting a sea view when booking a hotel room. Make sure the reservations officer understands that you want to see the ocean when you are in your room. Be prepared to pay more for this privilege.
ホテルの部屋を予約するときに、海の見える部屋をお願いする場合は具体的に伝える必要があります。 あなたが部屋から海が見たいことを予約を取る人が理解しているのを確かめましょう。海が見える部屋はより高額です。
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to book a room with an ocean view please.

  • I would like an ocean front room please.

"I would like to book a room with an ocean view please" "I would like an ocean front room please" ------------------------------------------------------ An ocean view room means you will be able to see the ocean from your room. If you choose to stay in an ocean front room that means your room will face the ocean.
"I would like to book a room with an ocean view please" "I would like an ocean front room please" ------------------------------------------------------ ocean view roomとは、部屋から海が見えるという意味です。 ocean front roomに泊まることを選ぶということは、海に面した部屋を選ぶということです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I would like a room with an ocean view.

  • I would like a room with a view of the ocean.

  • I would like a room facing the ocean.

"I would like a room with a view of the ocean." and "I would like a room with a view of the ocean." are two sentences that mean that you would like to be placed in a room where you can see the ocean. This might not guarantee a full view depending on how the room is positioned. "I would like a room facing the ocean." This means you would like your room to be positioned in a way that it allows you a full view of the ocean.
"I would like a room with a view of the ocean." 海の見える部屋がいいです。 海が見える部屋にしてほしいですという2つのセンテンスです。 部屋の場所により海が見えるかどうかは保証されません。 "I would like a room facing the ocean." 海に面した部屋がいいです。 海が完全に見える方角の部屋にしてほしいという意味。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a room with a ocean view?

  • Is there an ocean view available?

"Do you have a room with a ocean view?" This asks if they have a room where you can see the ocean. "Is there an ocean view available?" This asks if they have a room open that has a view of the ocean.
"Do you have a room with a ocean view?" (海を眺める事ができる部屋はありますか?) この言い方は、海が見える部屋があるかどうかを尋ねています。 "Is there an ocean view available?" (海の眺めが見える部屋は空いていますか?) この言い方は、海が見える部屋が空いているかどうかを尋ねています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I would like an ocean view.

  • Can I have a room with an ocean view please?

You can say "I would like a room with an ocean view", to say that you want a nice view of the ocean from your room. Most hotels with an ocean view will charge you more money for these rooms. However, the views are beautiful and are worth the extra money. You can also ask, "Can I have a room with an ocean view please?" That way they can tell you if they have any rooms available with this feature. In most cases people just simple ask for a room with an ocean view. You can also ask for a suite, which will include more features in your room.
「海がよく見える部屋がいい」は "I would like a room with an ocean view" と言えます。 たいていのホテルで、海の見える部屋は他の部屋よりも料金が高いです。 ただ、眺めがきれいですし、支払う価値はあります。 "Can I have a room with an ocean view please?" と言ってもいいです。 「海の見える空き部屋」があるかどうか教えてくれます。 たいていは単純に、海の見える部屋があるか尋ねますが、格が上の「suite(スイートルーム)」をお願いしてもいいと思います。
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • I want an ocean view please

  • A room overlooking the ocean

Booking hotels these days, with many options , it can be tricky... so we must be precise:-) If there are rooms that have "an ocean view" they are normally more expensive and in greater demand than those rooms without one. So just ask to make sure your room of choice does in fact have "an ocean view" or is overlooking the ocean;-)
例:I want an ocean view please. 「海が見える部屋がいいです。」 例:A room overlooking the ocean 「海が見わたせる部屋」 ホテルを予約する時は、色々とオプションがあって、決めなくてはなりません。 "an ocean view(直訳だと海の眺め)"がある部屋があれば、通常の部屋より高いのが通例です。人気ですからね。 なので、ホテルのスタッフに単純に例文を使って聞いてみましょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Please reserve a room with an oceanfront for me.

  • Please reserve a room with an ocean view for me.

  • Please reserve a room with a direct view of the ocean for me.

If you want a room with a direct view of the ocean, I would advise you to book a room with an 'oceanfront' view of the ocean. The ocean will be directly in front of such a room and you will enjoy the view. It may be from the balcony or from the window. However, if you book a room with an 'ocean view', there is no guarantee that you will have a full view of the ocean. You may partially view the ocean at an angle. That is why an oceanfront room will cost you more than an 'ocean view' room. So, depending on your pocket power, you may book as follows: Please reserve a room with an oceanfront for me. or Please reserve a room with an ocean view for me. or Please reserve a room with a direct view of the ocean for me.
海の見える部屋に泊りたいときは「room with an oceanfront」という表現を使って予約するといいです。目の前に海がある部屋を表します。バルコニーまたは窓からの眺めが楽しめます。 反対に「room with an ocean view」だと、海全体を見渡せるとは限りません。部分的に海が見えるだけかもしれません。「ocean view room」よりも「oceanfront room」のほうが値段が高い理由はそこにあります。 それぞれの予算に応じて、以下のような言い方ができます: Please reserve a room with an oceanfront for me. 〔訳〕目の前に海がある部屋を予約してください。 Please reserve a room with an ocean view for me. 〔訳〕海の見える部屋を予約してください。 Please reserve a room with a direct view of the ocean for me. 〔訳〕海が見える部屋を予約してください。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'd like a room with an ocean view please.

  • Can I have a room with an ocean view please?

  • Do you have rooms available with an ocean view?

We can either use the verbal phrase, "I would like..," or ask in question form with, "Can I have..." In addition, we can also turn the question to ask the workers with, "do you have rooms available with.."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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