世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/31 22:57
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  • Those books that I won't read again, I will sell them to a used bookstore.

  • I will sell old books which I won't read to a second-hand book store.

古本屋は、used book stores , a second-hand bookstore, 高級な古本屋は、antiquarian bookshop/store と言います。
  • I sell my old books to second hand bookstores.

  • I sell my old books to used bookstores.

  • I sell books I don't read anymore to second hand bookstores.

There are a few different ways to say this. You could say "I sell my old books", and in this context, anyone would know that by "old" you mean that you've already read them. You could also specify "books I don't read anymore." As for the bookstore, you could call it a "second hand bookstore" or a "used bookstore." "Second hand" means that someone else used it first. That is to say, it's not new. "Used" means the same thing - it's just shorter and probably more common. For example, if you don't have enough money for a new car, you'd go to the used car dealership.
いくつか言い方があります。 例えば、"I sell my old books"と言えます。この文脈で"old"と言えば、既に読んだことのある本のことだと伝わります。 より具体的に、"books I don't read anymore"(もう読まない本)と言ってもいいです。 古本屋は"second hand bookstore"または"used bookstore"と言えます。 "second hand"は「(新品でなく)中古の」という意味です。"used"も同じ意味です。"second hand"よりも短くて一般的だと思います。 例えば、もし新車を買うお金がないなら、"used car dealership"(中古車販売店)に行けます。
Michaell K DMM英会話講師
  • I will sell all the old books I don't read to a used book store.

  • When I don't want my old unread books anymore, I sell them to a secondhand shop.

It is more common to hear someone refer to a second-hand bookstore as a used bookstore, it often sounds more casual, or natural. Often people give or donate their books to these stores, or they may even sell their books online. So being specific in your explanation is beneficial. The second example gives an explanation of what you do when you are no longer in need of your old, unused book collection. If someone is curious, this tells them what you do with your collection when you no longer desire it.
「second-hand bookstore(古本屋)」よりも「used bookstore(古本屋)」の方が一般的です。「used bookstore」の方がカジュアル、ナチュラルに聞こえることが多いです。こういうお店に本を寄付する人も多いです。あるいは、オンラインで売る人もいます。ですから、説明は具体的にした方がいいです。 二つ目の文では、古い未読の本が要らなくなったとき、どうするのかを説明しています。要らなくなったときにコレクションをどうするのか伝えることができます。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • Once I'm done using a book, I sell it to secondhand bookstores.

  • I don't keep books I don't read anymore. I sell them to secondhand bookstores.

When you want to explain that you do not keep books that you do not read anymore and that you get rid of them by selling them to secondhand bookstores, then you may explain this in the following ways: -Once I'm done using a book, I sell it to secondhand bookstores. -I don't keep books I don't read anymore. I sell them to secondhand bookstores.
読まなくなった本は持っておかず、古本屋に売っていると伝える言い方です: -Once I'm done using a book, I sell it to secondhand bookstores. (本は読み終わったら、古本屋に売ります) -I don't keep books I don't read anymore. I sell them to secondhand bookstores. (もう読まない本は処分します。古本屋に売っています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I sell book that i dont read anymore

  • I sell books to the second hand bookshop that i no longer need/read

  • I sell books to the second hand bookshop that i have read already

If you want to explain that you sell your second hand books then you could simply say 'I sell books that i dont read/need anymore' If you want to explain what you do with them then you could say 'I sell books to the second hand bookshop that i dont read./need anymore'
あなたが古本を売ることを説明したい場合はシンプルに、”I sell books that I don't read/need anymore."(読まなくなった/要らなくなった本を売ります。)と表現することが出来ます。 古本をどうするのか説明したい場合、”I sell books to the second hand bookshop that I don't read/need anymore."(読まなくった/要らなくなった本を古本屋さんに売ります。)と表現することが出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I sell my used books to secondhand bookstores

  • I sell my used books to secondhand book shops

  • I sell second hand books to shops which specialise in them

Secondhand = Used by someone else first. Your car is second hand if it has had an owner before you Bookstores = American English term for a shop that sells books Book shop = British English term for the same, although bookstore would also be understood Specialise = They concentrate on this item or skill. This is the British English spelling. In American English spell it with a Z - specialize
Secondhand = 中古の。例えば、"a secondhand car"は「中古の車」という意味になります。 Bookstores =「本屋」という意味のアメリカ英語。 Book shop = 「本屋」という意味のイギリス英語。'bookstore'でも通じます。 Specialise =「(ある商品・技能を)専門とする」という意味です。これはイギリス英語のスペルです。アメリカ英語では'Z'を使って'specialize'とつづります。
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I sell off my old books to second hand bookstores

  • I sell the books that I have finished with to second hand bookstores

  • I sell the books that I no longer need for cash

Even though online books are more and more popular these days, many people still like physical books so it is a good idea to sell off your old books when you have finished with them so that someone else can appreciate them. To describe this practice, say something like "I sell the books that I have finished with to second-hand bookstores."
最近では電子書籍の人気がますます高まっていますが、紙の書籍を好む人も依然として多いです。ですから、読み終わった本を売るのは良いアイディアですね。この習慣は、以下のように説明できます。 "I sell the books that I have finished with to second-hand bookstores." (読み終わった本は古本屋に売ります)
Suzi DMM英語講師
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