I'm very glad to hear the opinion of another Asian person.
As a fellow Asian, I'm very happy to hear your opinion.
「同じアジア人である」はAs a fellow Asian personと言います。「アジア人」としてAsianも使えます。
「あなたの意見」はyour opinionと言います。これが1番目の回答で現れていませんですが意味とニュアンスが変わりませんので安心して使えると思います。
I’m glad to hear the opinion of someone who is the same ethnicity as me.
I’m happy to hear your opinion because you are Asian like me.
I’m glad to ~ ~できてうれしい、満足だ
opinion 意見
ethnicity 民族、人種
same as 〜と同じ
I’m happy to ~〜ができてうれしい、満足
hear 聞く
Asian アジア人
like me 私と同じ
I’m glad I got to hear an opinion from an Asian person like me.
・「I’m glad I got to hear an opinion from an Asian person like me.」
<例文>I’m glad I got to hear an opinion from an Asian person like me and it's interesting how we have the same opinion.
・vocabulary:Asian person アジア人