There's a product that sells out so quickly, production cannot keep up.
It sells so quickly that production cannot keep up.
- There's a product that sells out so quickly, production cannot keep up.
- It sells so quickly that production cannot keep up.
- Recently, there is a stargazing product that sells so quickly that production can't keep up.
There are products that are sold so quickly to the extent that production can't keep up.
「追いつかないほど」=「to the extent (it) can't keep up」
「売れている商品」=「products that are sold」
「がある」=「there are」
「There are products that are sold so quickly to the extent that production can't keep up.」はちょうど良い翻訳だと思います。
「so quickly」はあった方が良いと思います。「非常に速く」という意味で、商品が売られている速度を指します。