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2016/08/07 10:14
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  • Even the same types of instant ramen taste different in different parts of Japan.

  • The flavor of a given brand of instant ramen will vary from region to region.

a given 〜 = 一定の〜 地方によって = depending on the region
Tim Young 主催
  • Although they have the same name, the taste of instant noodles differs from region to region.

  • The taste of instant noodles depends on the region, not the brand name.

Although they have the same name, the taste of instant noodles differs from region to region. 'Although' - This means even though 'Differs' - This means there is a difference 'From region to region' - This means it depends on the region or area. The taste of instant noodles depends on the region, not the brand name. Depends - This means it relies on or is dependent on. Brand name - The name of the product. The word instant noodles can also be instant ramen. I hope that helps!
Although they have the same name, the taste of instant noodles differs from region to region. although - 〜だけれども differs - 違いがある、異なる、 from region to region - 地域や場所による The taste of instant noodles depend on the region, not the brand name. depends - 〜による、〜によって決まる brand name - その商品の名前 instant noodles は、 instant ramen と言ってもいいです。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Identical flavours of instant noodles vary depending on the area where you buy them

  • 2. Instant noodle curry flavour tastes different as you try it in deifferent regions

Yes, travelling around the world and sampling the delights of the local store's instant noodle selection, one can't help but notice - there is a difference! To express this , you may say, phrase 1. If you wish to speak about one flavour in particular being different, then phrase 2 is more appropriate.
そうでうね。世界を回って、いろんなローカルストアのインスタント麺を味わってみて、どうしても気づいちゃいますよね。違いはあるって。 これを表現するには、1のような言い方があります。 ひとつのフレーバーが特に違うと言いたい場合、2の文章が適切です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The same brand of instant noodles can taste different depending on the region.

  • Even though its the same brand, it tastes different depending on which area you're in.

  • Despite the fact its the same brand, it tastes different in different cities.

The same brand of instant noodles can taste different depending on the region. MEANING= brand= a name of a company – like Nike or Addidas. Depending on the region= it matters where you are because it tastes different in different places. Even though its the same brand, it tastes different depending on which area you're in. MEANING= same brand- same company of noodles. Area- a certain space or land- another word for district, used to describe a place or region of a country or city. Despite the fact its the same brand, it tastes different in different cities. MEANING= despite the fact- another way of saying ‘even though’
The same brand of instant noodles can taste different depending on the region. brand =ナイキ、アディダスのような会社名。 depending on the region = 場所が変わると味が変わるため、あなたがいる場所による。 Even though it's the same brand, it tastes different depending on which area you're in. same brand = 同じヌードルの会社 area = 特定の空間や場所。district (地域)とも言う。 Despite the fact it's the same brand, it tastes different in defferent cities. despite the fact - これはeven though(たとえ〜でも)と同じ意味です。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Same flavor noodle, same brand name but have a different taste because its from a different region.

>Same flavor noodle, same brand name but have a different taste because its from a different region. This sentence starts by explaining that it is the same flavor and brand, so that confusion is not caused by the next person. And then you start by saying it has a different taste because it is from another region. Other sentences a. The taste of noodles are different from region to region. b. The taste of noodles depend on the region it comes from, even though the flavor and brand are the same.
Same flavor noodle, same brand name but have a different taste because its from a different region. 混乱のないように同じ味でブランドということを最初に伝え、地域によって味が変わるということを意味する表現です。 他にも以下の表現を使うことができます。 a. The taste of noodles are different from region to region. b. The taste of noodles depend on the region it comes from, even though the flavor and brand are the same.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Even though the flavor name is the same the taste is influenced by the region where it is sold.

  • The taste depends on the region and not just the flavor packaging name.

By using the word "influenced" in the first sentence we are showing or explaining where the specific taste comes from. The word "influence" can mean to "give shape to" or "affect the making" of something. The second sentence can be used to show that the deciding factor of flavor comes from the region and not the name on the package.
一つ目の文では、"influenced" を使ってその味がどこから来るものなのかを説明しています。"influence" には、「give shape to ...(...を具体化する)」や「affect the making of ...(...の作製に影響を与える)」という意味があります。 二つ目の文は「味は地域によって決まるのであって、パッケージの味名ではない」と伝える時に使えます。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • Never mind which flavor is written on the packet. Instant noodles taste differently from region to region.

  • Don't worry about what it says on the packet. Instant noodles taste differently from region to region.

Never mind- you say this when you want to tell someone not to worry about someone or to ignore something. "Never mind which flavor is written on the packet. Instant noodles taste differently from region to region." This means, ignore what it says on the packet because instant noodles can have a different taste depending on which region it comes from. "Don't worry about what it says on the packet. Instant noodles taste differently from region to region." 'Don't worry' can also mean ignore what it says on the packet or do not pay too much attention to the labels as the taste can differ from region to region. I hope this helps :)
“Never mind”は誰かに何かを心配しないようにまたは無視するように伝える時に言います。 Never mind which flavor is written on the packet. Instant noodles taste differently from region to region. インスタントラーメンは地域によって味が違うから、パッケージに書いてあることは気にしなくて良いという意味です。 Don't worry about what it says on the packet. Instant noodles taste differently from region to region. 'Don't worry'ということで、場所によって味が違うため、パッケージに書いてあることを無視してほしい、または、何味というラベルは気にしないでいい、という意味になります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • This noodle tastes different depending on the region

  • The taste depends on the region and not just the flavor packaging name

There are two options to explain it. This noodle tastes different depending on the region - is a simple explanation of the question but maybe not as clear as you would want it. That one, The taste depends on the region and not just the flavor packaging name, - has a bit more description in it and I would use it myself.
二通りの言い方をご紹介します。 This noodle tastes different depending on the region(この麺は地域によって味が違う)はシンプルな言い方です。少し情報が足りていないところもあるかもしれません。 二つ目の 'The taste depends on the region and not just the flavor packaging name'(味は商品名だけでなく地域によっても違う)では、より具体的に伝えています。私ならこちらを使います。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • You will experience different tasting instant noodles when traveling from region to region, even if the label indicates the same flavor.

  • In a different region an instant noodle package may show the same flavor, but you will find that it tastes completely different.

1. After making the point that instant noodles taste different from region to region, following it with "even if" allows one to emphasize that this is true for the same flavored noodles. 2. Flavor and taste apply to two different qualities of the noodles. The flavor is related to whatever seasoning the noodles contain, and the taste is the physical experience or perception of the food while it is being eaten.
1. 「インスタントラーメンの味は地域ごとに異なる」の後、"even if" を使って「それはパッケージが同じであってもだ」と伝えています。 2. "flavor" と "taste" は別のものを指します。"flavor" は麺の味付けについていいます。"taste" は食べたときに感じる味覚をいいます。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Noodles from different regions tend to have different tastes even if it is the same brand.

  • Noodles of the same brand taste different depending on which region it was produced in.

  • These noodles share the same brand but they taste different because they are from different regions.

Use the sentences above to explain that even though the noodles are of the same brand, they taste different because they are produced in different regions. Noodles are delicious and they come in different style and flavors. Products that are produced under the same brand are usually identical wherever you buy them. "Have you tasted these noodles? They share a brand but they taste different, it is because these are from ____ and these are from____" Produced: created, made
同じブランドのラーメンでも地域によっては味が異なることをこれらの文を使って伝えることができます。ラーメンはおいしく、さまざまなスタイルや味があります。 同じブランドの製品は、どこで買おうと普通は同じです。    "Have you tasted these noodles? They share a brand but they taste different, it is because these are from ____ and these are from____" (このラーメンを食べてみた?同じブランドなのに味が違うんだ。これは~のところのもので、これは~のものだからなんだ。) Produced: 作られる
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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