世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/09 15:13
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  • Is there anything you can't eat?

「何か食べれないもの」ですが、 「something you cannot eat」 で表現できます。 これが疑問文となると、 「anything you can't eat」 と変化します。 関連表現として、下記の例文をご紹介します。 「苦手な食べ物はありますか? Is there anything that you don't like eating?」 ご参考にされてください☆
  • Do you have a restricted diet?

  • Are you allergic to some foods?

Restricted diet: Some people do not eat animal products (vegans.) This means they can't eat animal products at all (restricted). Allergic: When you can't eat something because it makes you sick, you can say you are allergic to it. For example: ''I'm allergic to peanuts.'' This person cannot eat anything that has peanuts, even the smallest portion as they will get sick.
Restricted diet: Some people do not eat animal products (vegans.) This means they can't eat animal products at all (restricted). 「食事制限はありますか?」Restricted diet=食事制限。例えば、ビーガンの人は、動物性のものは一切食べないので、Restricted(制限)されています。 Allergic: When you can't eat something because it makes you sick, you can say you are allergic to it. For example: ''I'm allergic to peanuts.'' This person cannot eat anything that has peanuts, even the smallest portion as they will get sick. 「食物アレルギーはありますか?」Allergic=アレルギーがある。 例文:「わたしは、ピーナッツアレルギーです。」ピーナッツアレルギーの人は、ピーナッツ成分が少しでも入っているものにも反応します。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything that you don't eat?

  • Are you allergic to any foods?

You can ask this using the following statements:- 1. Is there anything that you don't eat? あなたが食べられないものはありますか? 2. Are you allergic to any foods? 食べ物のアレルギーはありますか?
このように言うことができます。 1. Is there anything that you don't eat? あなたが食べられないものはありますか? 2. Are you allergic to any foods? 食べ物のアレルギーはありますか?
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything you cannot eat?

  • Are there any food you are allergic to?

Allergy (noun) a damaging immune response by the body to a substance to which it becomes hypersensitive _______________________________________________ Example A: What's for dessert? B: Pecan pie A: I cannot eat that. B: I'm allergic A: Is there anything you cannot eat? B: I cannot eat nuts.
Allergy(名詞)=アレルギー 免疫力の低下により、体がある物質に対して過敏に反応すること。 例文① A.デザートは何? B.ピカンパイだよ。 A. それ、食べられない。 B. I'm allergic=ピカンアレルギーです。 例文② A. 何か食べられないものはない? B.ナッツ系が食べられません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any allergies?

  • Are there any ingredients you can't eat?

  • Is there any food that you don't like?

Do you have any allergies? - An allergy is when someone becomes ill from eating certain food, such as dairy or nuts. Are there any ingredients you can't eat? - This sentence is another way to ask about allergens. Is there any food that you don't like? - You can use this sentence if you want to ask about the listeners food preference rather than allergens.
Do you have any allergies? - allergies(アレルギー)とは、乳製品やナッツなどの特定の食べ物を食べると病気になるという意味です。 Are there any ingredients you can't eat? - allergiens(アレルギー)について質問する表現です。 Is there any food that you don't like? - アレルギーについて聞くというより食べ物の好みを聞くときの表現です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything you can't eat?

Is there anything you can't eat? 何か食べられないものはありますか? このように英語でいうことができます。 can't eat で「食べられない」という意味の英語表現になります。 don't eat「食べない」という言い方もできます。 Is there anything you don't eat? 食べないものはありますか? Is there anything you don't want to eat? 食べたくないものはありますか?
  • A) Do you have any food allergies ?

  • B) Are there any foods you dislike?

A) Do you have any food allergies ? *Allergies (Plural noun . Allergy =noun) - a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive. / Something / ingredient you are allergic to. Example - "she developed an allergy to feathers" B) Are there any foods you dislike? - Are there any foods you do not enjoy / are there any foods you do not like Example - Cassy - are there any foods you dislike ? Kim - I really don't like the taste of pumpkin. I hope this helps :-)
A. 何か食物アレルギーはありますか?  Allergies(複数形。Allery=名詞)免疫力の低下で、特定の食物、花粉、毛、ほこり、などに過敏になること(アレルギー)。 例文:she developed an allergy to feathers 彼女は羽にアレルギー反応が出るようになった。 B. 嫌いな食べ物はありますか? 例文: Cassy - are there any foods you dislike ? Kim - I really don't like the taste of pumpkin. Cassy「嫌いな食べ物はある?」 Kim「パンプキンの味が好きじゃないの。」
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Can you eat all kinds of food?

  • 2. Is there any food that doesn't turn you on"

1. You ask if your friend eats all kinds of food. To turn on = start the flow or operation of something by means of a tap, switch, or button. "She turned on the TV" 2. In this sense, 'turned on' means "excites you."
1 好き嫌いをきくときに使えます。 To turn onとは、タップしたり、スイッチやボタンを押して何かを起動、開始することを言います。 "She turned on the TV"など さて、2の場合、turn on は「わくわくさせる」という意味にかわります。つまり、「ときめかない食べ物=食べたくないもの」という意味で伝わります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is there anything that you don't eat?

  • Is there anything that you are allergic to?

Is there anything that you don't eat?' means is there something that the person does not like eating 'Is there anything that you are allergic to?' If you are allergic to something, you become ill or get a rash when you eat it, smell it, or touch it.
Is there anything else that you don't eat? これは相手が食べたくないものがあるかどうかを聞いています。 'Is there anything that you are allergic to?' allergic to ~は、それを食べたり匂いをかいだり、触ったりすると気持ちが悪くなったり、しっしんができることを意味します。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Are you sensitive to any food?

  • Is there any food you are unable to eat?

"Are you sensitive to any food?" To be sensitive to a type of food means you become sick when you eat certain food. "Is there any food you are unable to eat?" If you are unable to eat certain foods it means that you have either been instructed by the doctor not to,you are trying to lose weight or the food makes you feel sick.
"Are you sensitive to any food?" 何か食べ物のアレルギーなどある? To be sensitive to a type of food は、何か特定の食べ物を食べると気分が悪くなるか聞いています。 "Is there any food you are unable to eat?" 何か食べられ物はありますか? ドクターに指示をされている、いないに関わらず、ダイエットのために食べられないものや、食べると病気 になるものなどあるかどうか。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any food you are allergic to? What foods can't you stand?

  • I cannot eat peanuts ..I am highly allergic and could go into toxic shock!

Food preferences are slightly different from "being Allergic" to something. We all have things we love to eat, or conversely, "cannot abide!" We should always let our friends know if we have a negative reaction to certain foods in our diet. Otherwise some people can get really ill.
食べ物の好みは、"being allergic"「アレルギーである」ことは少し異なります。 誰しも好きな食べものがありますし、逆に”cannot abide"「耐えられない」ということもあります。 特定の食べ物が苦手な場合などは、常に友人に知らせておくべきです。   そうでなければ、本当に病気になることもあります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Is there any food that you keep away from?

To "keep away" from something means that you stay away from it. In this case, asking someone if there's food that they keep away from would indicate to them that you want to know if there's food they either don't like eating or cannot eat (for health reasons).
"keep away from something" は「~を避けている」という意味です。 この場合、"Is there any food that you keep away from?" と尋ねています。これは「食べたくない物はあるか」や「(健康上の理由で)食べられない物はあるか」という意味合いです。
Faith DMM英会話講師
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