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2016/08/09 15:28
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2016/08/09 16:55
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  • He/She has a fever but is energetic.

熱がある=have a fever 高熱がある=have a high fever 元気です=is energetic, is (doing) good/well, 保育園を休んでいるけど、家で走り回っています。 He/She didn't go to his/her preschool/daycare but he/she is running around at home. これ、私の子供も同じです…笑 早く熱が下がりますように!
  • My daughter/son has a fever but is doing good.

My daughter/son has a fever but is doing good. 彼、彼女は熱が出ているけど、元気です。 熱があるは”have a fever”です。 元気だよ、調子良くやってるよ、という意味で”doing good”も使えます。 より具体的に駆け回ってて元気いっぱいの様子を表現したい場合は、則岡さんがご紹介してくださっている”energetic”などがベターです!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • My child has a fever but is still his/her usual self

  • My child has a fever but is still full of beans

If someone is described as their usual self, this means they are the just the same as usual Nothing has changed or is different in their behaviour Full of beans is another way to say full of energy.
their usual selfと表現された人は、普段通り、いつもと変わらない言動をしている、という意味になります。 Full of beansとは、元気で満ちているという意味で使われます。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • He/She has a fever but otherwise seems to be fine.

  • Apart from the fever she/he is fine.

both these explain that the child has a fever but there does not seem to be anything else wrong.
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. He's ill but you wouldn't know it.

  • 2. His fever does not stop his legs from working!

1. A fever is often the first symptom of the onset of an illness. There may be a period of time before the illness physically takes effect. this phrase refers to that phase. 2. This is a more humorous phrase noting both the fever and the energy level.
1.A feverは、病気の最初の症状であることが多いですね。病気が症状としてでてくるまでに一定の時間がかかることがありますよね。このフレーズはそんな段階のときに使えます。 2.これは熱があるけど、元気はある、という両方を同時に示唆できるちょっと面白い言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My child has a fever but he/she is such a trooper about it.

  • My child is supposedly sick but you wouldn't say with how energetic he/she is.

"My child has a fever but he/she is such a trooper about it." A trooper is a soldier.When you refer to someone as being a "trooper" you are saying that that person is strong and does not show signs of weakness. In this sentence you are saying that your child has a fever but is being so strong by still running around and being energetic. "My child is supposedly sick but you wouldn't say with how energetic he/she is." This means that your child is meant to be sick given that they have a fever but people would not be able to see that because he/she is still energetic and running around.
"My child has a fever but he/she is such a trooper about it."私の子供は発熱していますが、まるで戦士のように強く元気です。 A trooperは戦士 誰かを"trooper" というときは、その人は強くて弱さを見せないという意味です。この文では、自分の子供は熱があるけれど、元気に強く、走り回っていてエネルギーにあふれているという意味。 "My child is supposedly sick but you wouldn't say with how energetic he/she is."私の子供は熱があるはずなんだけどそうは見えないほど元気なの。これは、子供は熱があるんだけどそうは見えないほど元気に走り回っているということ。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • You wouldn't know it!

  • He had a car crash two days ago...but you wouldn't know it, he looks fine!

Some kids can "come down" with a fever or illness and it can "knock them for 6" (Idiom) and yet others can seem to remain almost unaffected to the point where... Although they are sick..."you wouldn't know it!"
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My child has a fever but he/she is still as energetic as ever.

  • My child has a fever. Surprisingly, she still displays a lot of energy and keeps running around.

  • Although my child has a fever, it doesn't deter her from running around.

When a child or an adult has fever, chances are that he/she will not have enough energy to be be active in any way. 'Surprisingly', some children remain energetic despite having a fever and keep running around. The adjective 'energetic', used in the first statement means 'showing a lot of energy and vitality. So, although the child has a fever, she still 'displays' a lot of energy. The verb to 'display', used in the second statement means 'to show a feeling', in this case, energy which keeps him/her running around although he/she has a fever. So, even though she has a fever, it doesn't deter her fronm running around. The verb to 'deter', used in the third statement means to discourage or to stop someone from doing something. So you may say: My child has a fever but she is still as energetic as ever. or My child has a fever. Surprisingly, she still displays a lot of energy and keeps running around. or Although my child has a fever, it doesn't deter her from running around.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My kid has a fever but it is not affecting him/her much, he/she still has a lot of energy.

A fever is when you have a high body temperature, other symptoms can include having a headache, sweating, shivering. When you have a fever it is recommended that you seek out medical attention immediately. In this case the fever wasn't affecting the child's ability to run around and expend a lot of energy.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Even though my child has a fever, he is still so energetic and keeps running around.

  • My child has a fever but is still full of energy.

If you would like to explain to someone that your child has a fever but is still full of energy, you can say something like "Even though my child has a fever, he is still so energetic and keeps running around." or "My child has a fever but is still full of energy.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • He's feeling great!

  • He has a fever, but he is still full of energy.

When a person has a sickness (the flu, sickness, etc), but has a lot of energy, you can refer to their 'energy' or how they are feeling. You would use the phrase ' He/she is sick, but..." EX) He is sick, but he is still full of energy He's feeling great
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • They have a fever but that isnt stopping them from playing.

  • They are more ill than he/she looks.

  • My child has a fever but still manages to have energy to run around.

A fever is where the body temperature is higher than normal which could be due to an illness or one coming. Normally, a body will want to relax as it will feel ill and not up to much.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • He/she has a fever but is still feeling fine.

  • He/she has a fever but is acting normal.

  • He/she has a fever but seems okay.

There are many ways in which you can describe this concept so feel free to try them out and see which one is best for you. We would try to talk about her state of being regardless of the fact so it's best to say things like, " still acting fine," or, "..seems okay," to show that they are feeling as if she wasn't actually sick.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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