世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/09 22:40
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  • What is wrong with this sentence/expression?

What is wrong with this sentence/expression? まず”What is wrong with〜?”という表現ですが、 今回の例文のように「〜の何が間違っているの?」という意味もあれば 「〜どうしたの?」「〜の何が問題なの?」というような意味でも 使えて便利なのでますので覚えておくのがオススメです! また、より具体的に例えば英語の勉強をしている時に 文法的に何が間違っているのか?とよりはっきりと聞きたい場合は "What is grammatically wrong with this sentence?" のように間に”grammatically”と明示しても良いですね!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Why is this sentence wrong?

「この文はなぜ間違っているの?」の意味です。 シンプルにこう言ってもらっても十分意味は通じます(^^♪
  • Why can't I say that?

★【選択ポイント】"この言い方ではなんでダメなの?" と言いたい →『(大きな間違いとは言えないけど)、こういった方がいいよ/こういう時はこう言うんだよ』のように訂正を受けた時だとお察ししますので、敢えて、『間違い』の様な単語は使わずに“なんでこれダメなの?” のような感じの言い方にしてみました。 Why can't I say that? ★逆に考えると、『こういう時はこう言えるよ』と言いたい時は、You can say ~. と言いますね。 参考にしていただけますと幸いです☺
  • Why is my sentence wrong?

  • Why is my question incorrect?

When you ask these questions, you want a detailed explanation as to why that is not proper English. "Why is my sentence wrong?" "Why is my question incorrect?" "Can you explain in more detail, why that is not right, please?" "wrong and "incorrect" means the same thing
こういった質問をた尋ねる場合、何故正しい英語ではないのかという説明も尋ねたいでしょう。そのため、一緒にこうきくと良いでしょう。 ""Why is my sentence wrong?"" 何で僕の文章は間違いなの? ""Why is my question incorrect?"" なんでこの問題/質問は間違いなの? ""Can you explain in more detail, why that is not right, please?"" なぜ正しくないのか、もうちょっと詳しく説明してもらえますか? wrong やincorrectは同義です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What was wrong with my sentence?

  • Could you please explain the errors of my sentence?

Yes, it may be frustrating to be corrected and be unclear about what was actually wrong with your sentence. It could be that by looking at the correction, it is obvious what was wrong. for example, it could just be word order and two words have changed places in the corrected version. however, if it's not clear you could ask: "What was wrong with my sentence?" "Alive is a noun and you need to use live instead."
自分の文章ではっきりしないところや直されるところがあると、いらいらしますよね。直されれば何が悪いのかは一目瞭然だけど、、例えば文字の並びだとかもしれない、どこが悪いのかわからない場合はこう尋ねることができます。 "What was wrong with my sentence?" 自分の答えでは何が悪いの? "Alive is a noun and you need to use live instead." Aliveは名詞でliveの代わりに使うべきだったのさ
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Where did I go wrong in my sentence teacher?

  • What was wrong with my sentence teacher?

  • Please tell me where I went wrong in my sentence teacher.

If you ask: Where did I go wrong in my sentence teacher?, you are asking the teacher to pin point the exact mistake in your sentence. But, if you ask: What was wrong with my sentence teacher? you are asking the teacher to tell you the grammatical error that you made. The last line is the same as the first one except that you have put it in the form of a polite request. So, you may ask and say: Where did I go wrong in my sentence teacher? or What was wrong with my sentence teacher? or Please tell me where I went wrong in my sentence teacher.
”Where did I go wrong in my sentence teacher"とは先生にピンポイントで正確にどこが間違っていたのかを聞いています。 しかし、"What was wrong with my sentence teacher"とは、先生に文法間違いを教えて欲しいといっています。 最後の例文は一番初めの例文と同じですが、もっと礼儀正しい聞き方をしていますね。 これらの例文を使ってみてはどうですか。 Where did I go wrong in my sentence teacher? What was wrong with my sentence teacher? Please tell me where I went wrong in my sentence teacher.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Could you explain which part of the sentence was incorrect please?

  • Why is it better to say something different?

  • Why is what I said wrong?

Any of these questions will communicate to the tutor that you don't understand why you're being corrected. If you ask 'why is what I said wrong/incorrect', it lets the tutor know that you want them to give you a more detailed explanation of the sentence, rather than simply letting you know it was wrong.
上のどの文でも、先生に「どこが間違っているのか分からない」と伝わります。 'Why is what I said wrong/incorrect?'(私の文のどこが間違っていたのですか) は、その文に関して、ただ「間違っている」だけではなく、より詳しい説明を求めます。
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please explain why this sentence is wrong/incorect?

  • Could you elaborate on that?

"Can you please explain why this sentence is wrong/incorrect?" 'wrong' and 'incorrect' mean the same thing This is a nice way of asking the teacher to explain why the sentence or answer is wrong. "Could you elaborate on that?" 'elaborate' is to give more details Eg: "Could you elaborate on why its wrong?" I hope this helps :)
“Can you please explain why this sentence is wrong/incorrect?”(この文章がなぜ合っている/間違っているのか説明していただけますか?) これは先生になぜその文章または回答が間違っているのかを尋ねる時の丁寧な聞き方です。”Could you elaborate on that?”(もう少し詳しく説明していただけますか?) “Elaborate”は更に詳細を補足するという意味です。例:”Could you elaborate on why it’s wrong?”(なぜ間違っているのかもう少し詳しく説明していただけますか?) ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please explain to me why my sentence is wrong?

  • Was there a major problem with my sentence?

It is normal for us to make mistakes in the language we are learning. We even make mistakes in our own language. Sometimes it is hard to explain what the problem was. A lot of the time, we say that "it just sounds better" and although this isn't a valid response, I think it is common You can use either of these two sentences to ask your teacher what the problem was. The first one is very polite and straightforward. In the second sentence, you ask if there was a "major problem". "Major" is another way of saying "big" and it works in this case.
外国語学習にミスはつき物です。母国語でもミスをすることはありますからね。 これはなかなかどこが悪いのか説明できないこともあります。「その方が自然だから」としか言えないことも多いです。これは適切な返答ではありませんが、よくあると思います。 上のどちらの文も、先生にどこが問題なのか確認するときに使うことができます。一つ目の例は直接的ですが丁寧な表現です。 二つ目の文では "Major problem"(大きな問題)があったかどうか尋ねています。"Major" とは "Big" の別の言い方です、この場面で使うことができます。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • What did you find wrong with my sentence?

  • Why is my sentence incorrect?

  • Can you show me what is wrong with my sentence?

Asking the teacher to show you what was wrong with the sentence should be enough to get an answer. Also, try asking what did they notice and how to correct it.
「この文のどこが間違っているのですか」と言えば、これについて確認できます。 また、気付いたことやその直し方なども尋ねてみるといいかもしれません。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • May I know what was wrong with my sentence?

  • Can you please explain to me why my sentence/expression was wrong?

If you were just corrected by your teacher/tutor and would like to ask him/her WHY your sentence was wrong, you can say something like "May I know what was wrong with my sentence?" or "Can you please explain to me why my sentence/expression was wrong?". These are both polite ways to ask someone this.
先生に間違いを指摘されて、どこが間違っているのか確認したいということですね。次のように言えます。 "May I know what was wrong with my sentence?"(私の文のどこが間違っていましたか) "Can you please explain to me why my sentence/expression was wrong?"(私の文のどこが間違っていたか説明してもらえますか) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Why is my sentence unacceptable?

  • What was wrong with the way I said it?

1. Why is my sentence unacceptable? Unacceptable means not correct or not right. If a sentence is not acceptable then it means that it is most probably grammatically incorrect. 2. What was wrong with the way I said it? This means that you want the teacher to clearly explain why your version is not correct or acceptable.
1. Why is my sentence unacceptable?(なぜこの文では駄目なのですか) "Unacceptable" は「正しくない」という意味です。文章について使うと、たいていは「文法が間違っている」ことを表します。 2. What was wrong with the way I said it?(私の言い方のどこが悪かったですか) この文では、「どこが間違っていたのか具体的に教えてほしい」と伝えています。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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