世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/02 00:01
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  • Why does it have to rain on Christmas?

直訳すると「なぜクリスマスに雨が降らなきゃいけないの?」になります。 A: Why does it have to rain on Christmas? B: Yeah, I know. I sucks. A: なんでクリスマスに雨が降らなきゃならないの? B: まったくだよ。最悪だね。 Why does it have to ---は「なぜよりによって」という時に使えます。 Why does it have to be me? よりによってなんで私が?(他に人いなかったの?) Why does the meeting have to be held on Friday night? なんでよりによって金曜日の夜に会議をしなきゃいけないの?
  • I can't believe it's raining on Christmas.

  • "It's raining on Christmas? You have got to be kidding me."

  • How could it be raining on Christmas?

Nobutaka 日本語堪能、TEFL英語講師の資格所有者、カナダ国籍
  • Why, oh why did it have to rain on Christmas day!

  • I was hoping for a white Christmas, not a wet one!

Why oh why ..... = We use this expression when we want to make an exclamation about something and possibly complain about something. "Why oh why do you always call me Sam? My name is Stuart!" A white Christmas = a Christmas during which there is snow on the ground.
Why oh why ..... =何かについての感嘆、何かについて不平を言う場合、この表現を使用します。 "Why oh why do you always call me Sam? My name is Stuart!" 「どうしてあなたはいつも私をサムと呼ぶの?私の名前はスチュアートです! A white Christmas = 雪が降って地面の白いクリスマス。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Of all days,it had to rain today.

This means that you would have preferred it if it had rained on any other day but not on Christmas day because you had made some plans for the day.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Out of all days!

  • Rain on Christmas?Really?

As you can observe by the many replies of my peers there are a numerous of ways that you can express this feeling. "Out of all days!" with this phrase you express frustration of the situation and people will understand you are not a happy camper. "Rain on Christmas?Really?" here you are expressing frustration with a bit of sarcasm both combined lets people know that you are not happy that it's raining on christmas.
多くの私の同輩者の回答からもわかるように、この感情を表現する方法は無数にあります。 "Out of all days!"(よりによって!) イライラした気持ち、あなたがハッピーではないことが伝わる言い方です。 "Rain on Christmas? Really?"(クリスマスの日に雨?本当に?) イライラ感をちょっとした皮肉とともに表しています。クリスマスの日に雨が降ってハッピーではないことが伝わります。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe it's raining on Christmas day.

  • Why does it have to rain today?

  • I can't believe it's raining at Christmas.

Examples "I can't believe it's raining at Christmas." or "Why does it have to rain today?" or "I can't believe it's raining on Christmas day." or "It is always raining, even on Christmas day."
 "I can't believe it's raining at Christmas." クリスマスに雨が降るなんて信じられない。   "Why does it have to rain today?"  どうして今日雨が降らないといけないの? "I can't believe it's raining on Christmas day."  クリスマスに雨が降るなんて信じられない。 "It is always raining, even on Christmas day." クリスマスでさえ雨が降っている。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe it's raining on Christmas day!

  • I should've asked Santa for some snow!

In English we use the phrase "I can't believe..." if we want to express shock or disappointment. If you want to make a joke you could say "I should've asked Santa for some snow!" referring to the idea that Santa brings gifts on Christmas and if you had asked for different weather he could have arranged that.
ショックや落胆を表したいとき英語では "I can't believe..."(信じられません)を使います。 冗談っぽく言いたい時は以下のように言うこともできます。 "I should've asked Santa for some snow!" サンタクロースに雪をお願いすべきでした。 これは、サンタはプレゼントを持ってきてくれるので、プレゼントとして違う天気をお願いしておけば手配してくれたかもしれないということを意味しています。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
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