You've worked three times as long as I've been alive.
You've worked three times as many years as I've been in this world.
ーYou've worked three times as long as I've been alive.
three times as long as ... で「…より3倍長い」
ーYou've worked three times as many years as I've been in this world.
three times as many years as ... で「…の年数の3倍長い」
"The time you spend working is 3 times longer than the time you spend living your life."
- "The time you spend working is 3 times longer than the time you spend living your life."
"the time you spend working" 「あなたが働いている長さは」
”3 times longer than" 「〜の3倍ある」・「〜より3倍長い」
"the time you spend living your life." 「自分の生きている長さ」
"living your life" 「人生を楽しんでいる」