"Intelligence in girls tends to develop faster than in boys."
- "Intelligence in girls tend to develop faster than in boys."
"intelligence" 「知能」
"intelligence in girls" 「女の子の知能」
"to develop" 「発達する」
"to develop faster than" 「〜の方が〜より発達が早い」
"than in boys" 「男の子よりも」
"tends" はこの文章になくても同じ意味を表します。 "tends" を使うと言い方が優しくなります。上の文章は女の子の方が男の子よりも知能の発達が早いよくあるという意味表します。
"tends" を使わなくていい方が少しかたくなります。
"Intelligence in girls develops faster than in boys." 「女の子の方が男の子よりも知能の発達が早い」
Intelligence in girls tends to develop faster than in boys.
Girls are faster than boys when it comes to the development of intelligence.
この表現を直訳すれば、「Girls are faster than boys when it comes to the development of intelligence.」になります。もちろんこの翻訳は文法的に間違っていませんが、下記の翻訳の方が自然だと思います。
「Intelligence in girls tends to develop faster than in boys.」
Which do you think is easier to raise, boys or girls?
I think girls are easier to raise for the reason that while both are at the same age, girls are able to use vocabulary more easily among other things. In short, I believe that intelligence in girls tends to develop faster than in boys.