"Because the average retirement age is about 60, the population keeps ageing and the birthrate keeps declining."
- "Because the average retirement age is about 60, the population keeps ageing and the birthrate keeps declining."
"because ~" 「〜なので」
"average" 「平均」
"retirement age" 「退職年齢」
"is about 60" 「60歳くらい」
"the population keeps ageing and the birthrate keeps declining." 「少子高齢化が進んでいる」
Because the average rate of retirement is about 60 years old, (I think) the decreasing birthrate and aging population problem continues.
「退職年齢」=「retirement age」
「60歳くらい」=「about 60 years old」
「少子高齢化」=「the decreasing birthrate and aging population problem」
英語では、「少子高齢化」は決まり文句のように、「the decreasing birthrate and aging population problem」とよく訳されます。
後は、このような表現は意見のようですので、「I think」=「私は思う」がよく言われます。
Because the average rate of retirement is about 60 years old, I think the decreasing birthrate and aging population problem continues.