世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/30 23:32
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  • On New Year's eve, we approach the new year watching Kohaku Uta Gassen.

  • At the end of the year, we welcome the new year by watching Kohaku Uta Gassen.

何かのイベントを迎える時に「welcome ~」や「approach ~」という表現を使います。 例えば、 We welcome the New Year with fireworks = 花火をしながら(見ながら)新年を迎えます また、Kohaku Uta Gassenのことをend-of-the-year music television showと説明すると分かりやすいです。 <ボキャブラリー> welcome = 迎え入れる New Year = 新年 fireworks = 花火
  • I'm going to see in the new year whilst watching Kouhaku Uta Gassen with my family.

  • I'm going to greet the new year whilst watching Kouhaku Uta Gassen with my family.

  • I'm going to see in 2017 whilst watching Kouhaku Uta Gassen with my family.

迎えるという言葉は英語ではさまざまな言葉があります! I'm going to see in the new year See in「2016年から2017年になる瞬間を過ごす」 I'm going to greet the new year Greet「迎えあって」 I'm going to see in 2017 See in +2017「2016年から2017年になる瞬間を過ごす」 I'm going to welcome the new year Welcome 「迎える」 The new year 「新年」 whilst watching Kouhaku Uta Gassen with my family. 「家族と紅白歌合戦見ながら」 with my family「家族と」
Jessica ニュージーランド出身タレント、コラムニスト
  • On New Year's Eve I'm watching Kohaku Gassen with the family.

Present continuous is used here for confirming a prearranged plan. 'The' is used here as 'family' is something familiar or close to you personally. eg the shops, the bus, the car, the children - all of these are yours or are familiar to you.
ここでは、現在進行形を使って将来の予定を述べています。 ここで 'The' が使われているのは、'family' が話し手にとってなじみのある、あるいは身近なものだからです。 例えば: the shops, the bus, the car, the children これらは全て、自分の所有するもの、あるいは自分にとってなじみのあるものを表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family to welcome the New year.

I'll be watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family to welcome the New year. This sentence is saying that when the new year comes in, that you will be watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with your family. "I'll' is a shortenend way of saying "I will" What does it means to "welcome the New year?" To welcome the New Year means to celebrate its arrival. People chose to welcome the New Year in many different ways.
I'll be watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family to welcome the New year. (年越しは家族で紅白歌合戦を見ます) これは「年越しは家族で紅白歌合戦を見るつもり」という意味です。 "I'll"は"I will"の省略です。 "welcome the New year"とはどういう意味か? "welcome the New year"は新しい年の到来を祝うという意味です。新年の祝い方はさまざまです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • On New Year's Eve I will celebrate with my family

  • and we will enjoy the Kohaku Uta Gassen TV show together

First you say the time in question - On New Year's Eve Next, you are saying who you will be with to celebrate - your family finally what you will be doing - we will enjoy the Kohaku Uta Gassen TV show together
まず初めに、時間について言います→ On New Year's Eve(大みそかに) 次に、誰と祝うのかを伝えています→ my family(家族) 最後に、何をするのかです→ we will enjoy the Kohaku Uta Gassen TV show together(一緒に紅白歌合戦を見ます)
Tanyya T DMM英会話講師
  • For New Year's, I'll be watching the Kohaku Uta Gassen show with my family.

  • I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve with my family, watching the Kahaku Uta Gassen show.

  • I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve with my family, watching Kahaku Uta Gassen.

For New Year's, I'll be watching the Kohaku Uta Gassen show with my family. Often people refer to New Year's Eve simply as "New Year's," with "New Year's Day" being the distinction for the day after December 31st. When you start a sentence with "For New Year's" people usually assume you're referring to how you plan to celebrate the New Year's Eve. I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve with my family, watching the Kahaku Uta Gassen show. I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve with my family, watching Kahaku Uta Gassen. If a TV show is well-known, often people refer to it either by just its name, or its name + show. For for example, "I watched a whole season of Breaking Bad last night," versus "I watched a whole season of the Jimmy O'Fallon show last night." In the second example sentence, I assumed the name of the TV show was not well-known. Hence why I wrote "the Kahaku Uta Gassen show." But if everyone knows the name of the show, you can leave 'the + show' out of your sentence, like in example sentence 3.
For New Year's, I'll be watching the Kohaku Uta Gassen show with my family.(大みそかは家族で紅白歌合戦を見ます) 大みそかは英語で "New Year's Eve" といいますが、しばしばシンプルに "New Year's" と省略されます。"New Year's" には「元旦」という意味もあります。「元旦」を明確に表すときには "New Year's Day" を使います。 "For New Year's" で文を始めると、普通聞き手は「これから大みそかの予定について話すのだな」と判断します。 ---- I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve with my family, watching the Kahaku Uta Gassen show. I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve with my family, watching Kahaku Uta Gassen. (大みそかは家族で紅白歌合戦を見て過ごそうと思っています) テレビ番組が有名なら、番組のタイトルだけか、あるいは【タイトル + show】で表すことが多いです。 例えば: "I watched a whole season of Breaking Bad last night"(昨日の夜 Breaking Bad の1シーズンを全て見ました) "I watched a whole season of the Jimmy O'Fallon show last night."(昨日の夜 Jimmy O'Fallon の1シーズンを全て見ました) 二つ目の例文では、この番組のタイトルはあまり知られていないのではないかと思いました。 そのような理由で、"the Kahaku Uta Gassen show" と書いたわけです。ただ、もしみんながその番組のタイトルを知っているなら、'the + show' は外すことができます、三つ目の例文のように。
Elinor DMM英会話講師
  • I will spend my New Years evening watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family.

  • I'm going to watch Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family on the New Years eve.

Native speakers will say like this: “I will spend my New Years evening watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family. ”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: What will you be doing for the New Years eve? B: I will spend my New Years evening watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I will spend my New Years evening watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family. ” (大みそかの夜は家族で紅白歌合戦を見ます) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: What will you be doing for the New Years eve?(大みそかには何をする予定ですか) B: I will spend my New Years evening watching Kohaku Uta Gassen with my family.(大みそかの夜は家族で紅白歌合戦を見ます)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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