"I always work from home so today was the first time in a while that I went into work."
- "I always work from home so today was the first time in a while that I went into work."
"I always ~" 「いつも」
"work from home" 「在宅勤務」
"so" 「なので」
"today" 「今日は」
"the first time in a while" 「久しぶりに」
"I went into work" 「会社に行った」
I usually work from home, but today I went to the office for the first time in a while.
"通常は在宅勤務をしているが、今日は久しぶりに会社に行った" という状況を英語で表現するときには "I usually work from home, but today I went to the office for the first time in a while." というフレーズが使えます。"work from home" は在宅勤務を意味し、"went to the office" は出社したことを指します。"for the first time in a while" は「しばらくぶりに初めて」という意味で、今回が久しぶりの出社であったことを強調しています。
- "After months of remote work, I finally made the trip back to the office today."
- "Since the lockdown, I've been telecommuting, but I visited the office today for the first time in months."
- telecommuting: 在宅勤務
- remote work: リモートワーク
- lockdown: 閉鎖措置、ロックダウン