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2016/08/18 19:48
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  • I don't want to go to a place where I have to wait in line for many hours.

ちょっと長くなってしまいましたがWhere節を使って訳してみました。 wait in line で「列に並ぶ」という意味です。 「炎天下」を入れるとしたら、文末に under the hot sun を足します。 I don't want to go to a place where I have to wait in line for many hours under the hot sun. 炎天下で並んだらheatstroke(熱中症)になってしまいそうですね!
  • I don't want to wait in line for a long time under a hot sun.

★I don't want to wait in line for a long time under a hot sun. (炎天下で長い時間列に並んで待ちたくないです。) under a hot sun:炎天下 wait in line:列に並んで待つ 上記文章の後に、 ★Let's go to the cool place. (涼しい場所に行きましょう) などと付け加えるといいでしょう。
  • I don't want to stand in long queues!

  • It's hot and I don't want to stand in long lines!

"Queues" and "Lines" means the same thing - synonyms.
"""queue"" と ""line"" は同義語で、 ""in a queue/line""で「列に並んでいる」と言う意味です。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like queuing

  • I don't want to hang around in a queue

Queuing is standing in line of people awaiting your turn to be attended to or to proceed. To hang around is to wait around or linger E.g. We had to queue for hours to see the show (verb) The queue was very long and I didn't want to wait (noun) Don't hang around outside in the cold, come and wait inside where it is warm.
queuing は列にあらんで自分の番を待つことです。 hang around はだらだらと待つことです。 例 We had to queue for hours to see the show.(動詞)(私たちはショーを何時間も待たなければならなかった。) The queue was very long and I didn't want to wait.(名詞)(その列はとても長く、私は待ちたくなかった。) Don't hang around outside in the cold, come and wait inside where it is warm. (外の寒い中で待っていないで、中の暖かいところで待っていなさい。)
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to go and stand in long queues.

  • I wouldn't like to go where I will queue up for hours on end.

The word 'queue' has been used in both statements. The word 'queue' functions both as a noun and as a verb. In the first statement, it has been used as a noun to mean a line of people awaiting their turn. Standing in long queues means using up a lot of time as well (many hours). So, you may say: I don't want to go and stand in long queues. In the second statement, the phrase 'for hours on end' has been used, meaning 'for many hours'. Also, the word 'queue' has now been used as a verb, meaning 'to await one's turn in a long line'. So, you may say: I wouldn't like to go where I will queue up for hours on end
両方の文で単語"queue"が用いられました。単語"queue"は名詞と動詞どちらもで機能します。最初の文では行列という意味の名詞として使われました。長い行列に並ぶことはそれに長時間を使うという意味でもあります。 したがって次のように言うことができます: I don't want to go and stand in long queues. (私は長い行列に並びたくありません) 2文目では長時間という意味のフレーズ'for hours on end'が用いられました。また、単語"queue"が今回は長い行列に並ぶという意味の動詞として用いられました。 したがって次のように言うことができます: "I wouldn't like to go where I will queue up for hours on end." (私は長時間並ばなければならないところに行きたくありません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I am too impatient to wait in a queue/line for many hours.

*I am too impatient to wait in a queue/line for many hours. If you impatient it means you are quickly annoyed at something. Another word for ine is queue. Remember we say too..... to. For example: "It is too cold to eat ice cream today."
*I am too impatient to wait in a queue/line for many hours. (私は長時間列に並ぶにはせっかちすぎます) "Impatient"であるということはすぐに何かにイライラするという意味です。"Line"(列)の類義語は"queue"です。 ""(.....には.....すぎる)と言うことも覚えておいてください。 例: "It is too cold to eat ice cream today." (今日はアイスクリームを食べるには寒すぎます)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to go to any place if I have to stand in line for hours.

  • I'm not going to that restaurant because I will have to stand in a long line to be served.

  • I'm not going to that bank, the queues at that bank are very long and I hate standing in long lines.

1. I don't want to go to any place if I have to stand in line for hours. 私が何時間も行かなければならないなら、どこにも行きたくない。 This means that if there is a certain place that will cause you to stand in a long line you do not want to go there. 2. I'm not going to that restaurant because I will have to stand in a long line to be served. One example of a place that may have a long line is a restaurant. You may refuse to go there so that you avoid standing in a long line. 3. I'm not going to that bank, the queues at that bank are very long and I hate standing in long lines. A Bank is another example of a place where you may have to stand in a long queue. A queue is another word for line.
1. I don't want to go to any place if I have to stand in line for hours. (何時間も並ばなきゃいけないなら、どこにも行きたくないです) これは、長い行列へ並ばなきゃいけない場所へは行きたくない、と言う意味です。 2. I'm not going to that restaurant because I will have to stand in a long line to be served. (席へ案内されるまで長い列に並ばなきゃいけないなら、そのレストランには行きたくないです) 行列のできる場所の一つと言えばレストランがその例ですよね。 長い列に並ぶのを避けるには、そこにはいかない事です。 3. I'm not going to that bank, the queues at that bank are very long and I hate standing in long lines. (そこには行きません。その銀行は長蛇の列ができるし、列に並ぶのは好きじゃないです) "queue"とは"line"(列)のもう一つの言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I wouldn't go anywhere where there was a queue waiting for hours

  • Queuing for hours is definitely not my cup of tea!

  • Queuing for hours is a big no-no for me!

A no-no is a thing that is not possible or acceptable. "Perming highlighted hair used to be a definite no-no, but it's now possible." If you wait in line, you 'queue'. This word is both a verb and a noun. "We had no option but to wait in the queue for the concert tickets - but we got them in the end!
"no-no"とは不可能で、受け入れられない事という意味になります。 【例】 "Perming highlighted hair used to be a definite no-no, but it's now possible." (ハイライトパーマは明確に不可能で禁じられたものとさていましたが、今は可能です) 列に並ぶ時、あなたは'queue'(列に並ぶ)ます。 この言葉は動詞にも名詞にもなります。 【例】 "We had no option but to wait in the queue for the concert tickets - but we got th in the end!" (コンサートのチケットの為に並ぶ以外ありません。でも、僕たちは最後尾です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to go somewhere where I must queue up for hours.

  • I do not want to go somewhere with a long queue.

If you would like to say that you do not want to queue up for a long time whereever it is you would like to go, you can say something like "I don't want to go somewhere where I must queue up for hours.".
行ったところで長い時間列に並んで待ちたくないことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 "I don't want to go somewhere where I must queue up for hours." (何時間も行列に並ばなければいけないところには行きたくない。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I hate going to places where I will have to wait in line for hours

  • I don't want to go to places where I will have to wait in line for a long time

When you want to explain that you don't want to go anywhere where you have to wait in line for many hours; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I hate going to places where I will have to wait in line for hours -I don't want to go to places where I will have to wait in line for a long time
何時間も行列に並ぶところに行きたくないことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 -I hate going to places where I will have to wait in line for hours (何時間も行列に並ぶところに行くのが嫌いだ。) -I don't want to go to places where I will have to wait in line for a long time (長い時間列に並ばなければいけないところには行きたくない。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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