It's ok, don't worry. We can restart the lesson even if the baby starts crying. You can bring the baby like that.
このシチュエーションで「It's ok, don't worry. We can restart the lesson even if the baby starts crying. You can bring the baby like that. 」と言えます。
最初の「It's ok, don't worry」は「大丈夫ですよ。気にしないでね」を表します。
そして、「We can restart the lesson even if the baby stars crying.」は赤ちゃんは泣いてもレッスンを再開できるよ」という意味です。
最後に「You can bring the baby like that」は「赤ちゃんはそのまま連れてきてよ」を表します。
If my baby starts crying, do you mind if I pick him up and just hold him while we have our lesson?
Is it alright if I pick up my baby during the lesson if he starts crying?
ーIf my baby starts crying, do you mind if I pick him up and just hold him while we have our lesson?
to start crying で「泣き出す」
to pick someone up で「抱きあげる」
to hold someone で「抱っこする・抱きしめる」
ーIs it alright if I pick up my baby during the lesson if he starts crying?
during the lesson で「レッスンの間」