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2016/08/20 11:50
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  • I left a tissue in a pocket when I did the laundry. My clothes are covered with bits of tissue!

何のポケット(ズボン?シャツ?)だったかわからないので、「a pocket」にしました。 もし「私のズボンのポケットにティッシュいれたまま…」だったら、その英語は「I left a tissue in the pocket of my pants when I put them in the wash」とかになります。
Tim Young 主催
  • I left a tissue in my pocket when I washed my clothes now everything is covered in tissue.

  • I did not check my pockets before I did my washing so now everything is covered in tissue.

"I left a tissue in my pocket when I washed my clothes now everything is covered in tissue." "I left a tissue in my pocket" This explains that there was a tissue in your pocket. "when I washed my clothes" This means you did your washing. "now everything is covered in tissue." This explains all the clothes in the wash are covered in tissue. "I did not check my pockets before I did my washing so now everything is covered in tissue. " This Explains that you forgot to look in the pockets of your clothes so now everything is covered in tissue.
"I left a tissue in my pocket when I washed my clothes now everything is covered in tissue." 「洗濯するときにティッシュをとるのを忘れて、全部ティッシュまみれになった。」 "I left a tissue in my pocket" は、ティッシュをポッケに入れていた、取るのを忘れた、という意味です。 "when I washed my clothesは、洗濯したとき、という意味ですね。 "now everything is covered in tissue."これは洗濯物がティッシュまみれになった、という意味です。 "I did not check my pockets before I did my washing so now everything is covered in tissue. " 「洗濯する前に自分のポケットを確認しなかったので、今全部ティッシュまみれになってしまいました。」 これは、自分の服のポケットを確認し忘れて、そのせいで全部ティッシュまみれになった、という説明になります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Some tissues in my clothes' pockets broke up during the wash. You can imagine the mess!

This can be devastating - and may even ruin some clothes. Black materials are particularly affected when this happens and it may be a near impossible task to pick all the small tissue pieces off the clothing. "Sue, you seem so depressed. What happened?" "Oh, nothing too serious - just irritating." "May I ask what it is?" "Yes, some tissues in my clothes' pockets broke up during the wash. You can imagine the mess! It would not be so bad but two of my husband's work trousers were affected. I think they're ruined!" "Let me see. Maybe I can help."
大変なことになりますよね。衣服を壊すことさえあります。黒色の素材は特に影響を受け、小さなティッシュ片を衣服から全て取り除くことは、不可能な作業かもしれません。 「スー、あなたはとても落ち込んでいるみたいだけどどうしたの?」 「ああ、あまりにも深刻なことはないんだけど、ちょっとイライラしてて"」 「何があったか尋ねてもいい?"」 「はい、私の服のポケットの中にティッシュがあったのに洗濯しちゃったんだ。どうなったかわかるでしょう。それはそれほど悪くないでしょうが、私の夫の仕事用のズボンの2つが思いっきり汚れちゃって。」 「私に見せてください。助けることができるかもしれません。"」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot tissue in my jeans pocket and washed the jeans. Now the jean is full of tissue pieces.

>I forgot tissue in my jeans pocket and washed the jeans. Now the jean is full of tissue pieces. *this is explaining the situation where the tissue is stuck all over your jeans after it has been washed. .............***.................
I forgot tissue in my jeans pocket and washed the jeans. Now the jean is full of tissue pieces. 洗濯後にティッシュがジーンズに入っていたことに気づいたときの表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I left a packet of tissue in the pocket of my clothes and when I washed my clothes they ended up being completely covered in the tissue.

  • When I washed my clothes they got completely covered in tissue that came from the tissue packet that I left in my pocket.

It's best to explain the reasoning of the incident either first or last. So I gave two different explanations that shows this.
最初か最後に、その出来事の理由を話すといいでしょう。 そういった説明のために、文を二つ用意しましたので見てみてください。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • I left a tissue in my pocket when i washed them, now my clothes are covered in tissue

  • I forgot there was a tissue in my pocket when i washed my clothes, they are covered now!

If you left a tissue in your pocket you can also say 'i forgot there was a tissue' by adding 'when washing them' or 'when doing the laundry' it describes when/how you did it. To be covered means its all over them.
ポケットに入っていたティッシュを取り忘れたとき、”I forgot there was a tissue"(ティッシュがあったのを忘れていた)と表すことが出来ます。 「洗濯をするとき」という意味の”When washing them"または”When doing the laundry"を付け加えることで、When(いつ)/How(どうやって)そのような事態になったのかを説明することが出来ます。 ”To be covered"は「○○まみれになった」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I washed my clothes with tissues in my pockets, now my clothes are covered in tissue

  • My clothes are covered with tissue because I put them in the washing machine with tissues still in the pockets

When you want to explain that your clothes are covered in tissue because you placed them in the washing machine with tissues in their pockets; then you may explain in the following ways: -I washed my clothes with tissues in my pockets, now my clothes are covered in tissue -My clothes are covered with tissue because I put them in the washing machine with tissues still in the pockets
ポケットにティッシュを入れたまま洗濯してしまったので、服がティッシュだらけだと言いたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます。 -I washed my clothes with tissues in my pockets, now my clothes are covered in tissue (ポケットにティッシュを入れたまま洗濯してしまいました。服がティッシュだらけです) -My clothes are covered with tissue because I put them in the washing machine with tissues still in the pockets (ポケットにティッシュを入れたまま洗濯してしまったので、服がティッシュだらけです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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