I'm glad to find myself different from what I used to be through studying and living abroad.
わかってうれしい、be glad to find
自分自身のかつての自分と違っていること myself different from what I used to be
留学や海外在住を通して through study and living abroad
I'm glad to find myself different from what I used to be through studying and living abroad.
I'm glad to find myself different from what I used to be through studying and living abroad.
"I became aware of a part of me that I never knew existed."
"I became aware of a part of me that I never knew existed."
"I became aware of ~" 「〜に気づくことが出来た」"I was able to discover ~" も言えあます。
"a part of me" 「自分の部分」・「アイデンティティ」
"that I never knew existed" 「存在を知らなかった」・「気づけなかった」